Chapter 24

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Thank you for all of the support for the last chapter! I really appreciate it all, as I've been really busy. Anyways, let's just get on with the chapter, I see you all have been waiting. Thank you for your patience with the last few chapters!


"Uhm... well..."

Lucien tipped his head at the thief, who was stuttering all of a sudden.


"Uh. It's really nice out right now, you know? I'm glad to be here with you."

"...Thanks? I will admit, it is nice though... Thank you for this dinner." Thinking that the conversation was over, the highwayman stood up to leave, but the thief tapped his arm, forcing the shorter man to face him.

"Wait. Please. I just... let me go get something first. Be back in a while."

The French man only stared at the awkward prince, who smiled before taking a leave. Caspian made sure that he was out of view, sight, and whatever sense needed and ran to the inside of the cafe, and he saw the kitsune and shogun staring at him with great dismay. The thief knew that there were more legends, but currently the shadow of the night and cafe were hiding them, or maybe it truly was just Yumiko and Jiro. Caspian groaned, knowing damn well what was coming next.

"'I can put on a show' my ass. I swear to Odin and everyone else if you don't confess right now and mess this up, I will break both of your legs."

"If that gets me sympathy from Lucien, you can."


"Jiro! But I will admit, Caspian, seriously. The situation was almost yours. You had it in your hands. And you slipped. Come on! You're so close! Everybody is waiting patiently, but something tells me that they're slowly losing it."

Caspian paused and gazed over the room. More shapes were taking form, and he felt a little embarrassed. Scratching his head, he took a breath.

"Well, fine. I'll try again, I'm just- this has never happened before... oh god." He was shaking just thinking about Lucien. How would he confront him?

"Just try again. Confronting him can't be that bad, we know you can do it! Come on! You're really close. It shouldn't be hard-"

"It wouldn't be if I wasn't here."


The three snapped their heads around to see none other than the man they were talking about, Lucien.

"Wait Lucien what-"

"That 'bit' of yours took a while. Decided to come in to check on you. I knew it. These 'waiters' were familiar. I can't believe you would lie to me."

"No, wai-"

"I don't want to. Cut to the chase. How many of you guys are here? Show yourselves. No point in hiding." Lucien's voice was upset and firm. He stood his ground. No more playing around.

Yumiko, clearly shocked, had no choice but to agree. She nodded her head and guiltily turned the lights on. The flash of lights revealed a good handful of the legends. Not all, but enough. Enough.

Caspian didn't even want to face Lucien, and seeing his hurt face was enough to make him want to turn away. The shocked highwayman's eyes were wide, and suddenly, he burst.

"This was all a plan wasn't it? Another one to embarrass me, hm?"
"Wait. No- please! Just listen to me!"
"I'm TIRED of listening to you. I have been and for once, I really did think you cared. Now I see it. You and your little 'friends' never cared. You fooled me. You... you just wanted to break my heart again."

Burnt Roses and Stolen Hearts(Lucien x Caspian)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora