Chapter 7

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"I'm... I'm okay." The shorter man was soft with his response, but it still sounded firm... Caspian didn't believe it, but he wasn't going to fight the highwayman. "We're gonna go now! Wanna join Caspian?" Cassidy's voice in the distance was heard. She was hanging the aprons.

"We got the cake all packed and the Valkyrie bot is giving it to Scarlet. We're gonna present it to Diana as a surprise!"

"Oh, sure, I'll join you!"

"Ok! Thanks again Lucien for your hel-"

"No problem. I'll be on my way now..."

"Wait!" The prince grabbed his hand and pulled him back.


"Remember the deal Cassidy?"

The heir sighed and said "Fine... what cupcakes you guys want? I see if I can do it..."

"Do we ha-"

"Yes Lucien! That's the whole reason why I dragged you here!"

Cassidy rolled her eyes "Expected." Lucien hated to admit it, but he had to agree with that statement. Either way, he sighed and started.

"Okay... fine. Do you think you can get me a... plain cupcake then. The regular ones you have."

Cassidy rushed back inside, came out after a few seconds with something in her hands. A bag. "I'd give you more for forgiving me one too many times and helping us a lot, but that's the last one le-"

"It's enough," Lucien said, taking the bag.

"Oh! Wow... thank you again..."

Lucien nodded and the outlaw looked at Caspian "Well? You're smug aren't you? What do ya want?"

Caspian leaned into her ear and whispered something. Her surprised face changed into a small smile. "Oh so I see... hehe sure!" She ran inside and came out again, and a similar bag appeared in Caspian's hands and he smiled. He put the bag into his pocket and said,

"See you later hopefully Lucien~"

"Sure sure... you can tell me all about that AMAZING PARTY."

"No I won't, I'll just say what happened, plus some chaos is bound to happen if I, the master thief, is here!"

Lucien scoffed and said "Maybe then... well, I'll be seeing you." And with that, the French man left, closing the door.

Caspian stared at the door... did he ruin the moment? Did he make the person he wanted so damn much lose trust in him? He just slapped himself eternally when he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Havin trouble with love?" He looked over and saw Cassidy.


"You think I don't got them eyes? I see that you like him. Don't take a person long."


"Yeah. Do you think we're that dumb?"


"DO YOU?!"

"...Nevermind, what do you want to say to me?"

"Just saying... I know he's hurt and I know you want him. I can tell from interactions. I guess have some advice."

"Sorry, no offense, but YOU?!"

"Look. I'm just here because you're quite desperate, my guy..."


"Yes you are, now don't try to fight it. Look, all I'm saying is don't do well... stick close to him when you can. I don't trust that he should be alone. Also you know there's gonna be a 2v2 tournament soon right?"

"Yes wh- OHHH I see..."

"Nice to know that you know."

The thief looked at him "But isn't it random? Like random partners?" The cowgirl looked thoughtfully and said "Not really, you can have requests. If the partner you request for does not care or wants you as well, then I think it can work... Keep it a secret until he knows." The thief looked at him and said;


"You can also ask Lucien to go over to that fancy mansion of yours that ya Gramps got. Y'know, you can invite him for a training session and help him. Get closer?"

"Thank you. For that and the advice..."

"Anything for... actually, let me not continue that."

"That's sur-"


Cassidy chuckled "Take your time to process anything." And left, Caspian followed her seconds later. He couldn't stop thinking about Lucien, he looked at the bag in his hand, and he wondered if his idea would work. Maybe... maybe...


A/N: Hi guys! This was supposed to be a short chapter for... reasons. Also it seemed to be a good place to end off. Cassidy is the best wingwoman, change my mind-  The next chapter might be out sooner than I expected... Anyways, have a hug for the day and I'll see you guys later!

Burnt Roses and Stolen Hearts(Lucien x Caspian)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ