Chapter 12

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It was night. The full moon shone through the window of the group, who had just finished dinner. Volkov's treat.

Caspian was putting on his gloves and saying goodbye to his friends, and before Lucien left, he went up to strike a conversation "Well... one more day after this one. Ready?" He was a little happy with what was done for the day, even if the team didn't win all the time. He nudged the French man who just stared at him and grunted "Sure." Caspian stared at him, worried that he might've said the wrong thing but Lucien continued. "I think we got this." "YES! That's the spirit Luci...en-" Lucien stared at him with a raised eyebrow, but nodded, happy that he finally learned. Great.

"Well then, what will you be doing tomorrow? Want to train tomorrow?" "I'm good. Thank you for the offer, mon ami." Caspian stared at him, disappointed in himself for not being able to make him stay. "Oh. Ok then. See you tomorrow." Lucien nodded and left, a slight slip in his step, but he made his way out quite quickly.

He stared out from where the highwayman once was and felt an elbow. "Well. You can't get them all the time huh?" he turned to face Jiro and sighed "I guess so..."

"Ok wait why are you so sad? Do you even know what he said in French to you? 'Mon ami'"


"He did? I don't know, I don't understand French for fuck's sake-"

"He did. Mon ami means friend."

"Well. Are you happy about that?" Jiro looked over and saw his friend all red, and he snapped in front of his eyes and tapped his cheek. Warm.

"Dear god Caspian."

"I-I- Uh- I- OK-"

"ARE YOU JUST PROCESSING THIS NOW?!" He shook Caspian vigorously and the thief just turned more red by the second. Eventually the shogun let go carefully and sighed.

"Cas. Come on. You- you- YOU- YOU DIDN-"


"Don't worry! You're doing fine. He seemed a little embarrassed anyways. I think you're getting him!"

"Thanks Jiro... I wonder though..."

"Come on, we've been best friends. You can do it."

"Ok then. Bye Jiro."

"See you Caspian! Trust me, if you can steal other people's hearts, you can definitely steal his..." Then he went and left the castle.

Once the shogun was out of view, he let out a sad sigh "...Just like how you stole mine..."

[Somewhere else]

"MERDE! Why did I have to say that?!" the French man cursed under his breath and let out a sharp exhale, greatly dismayed at himself. "Damn it... well hopefully he didn't catch that then." He hung his coat and threw himself onto bed, which got him wondering; Where the fuck did Caspian sleep-. He didn't want to go deeper into the topic and just brushed it off embarrassingly.

Laying in bed, he wondered what he would do. Both Diana and Orion were annoying as fuck, and he might have slipped and messed up, and now his brain was scattered with thoughts. At this point, he might as well use a heavy book to knock him out. Literally.

Eventually, shuffling in bed and just trying to forget worked. And the occasional spacing out. He had slept.

*Morning time*

"Hey Caspian, you want to go to the library with me? Magyar's busy by the way." A soft, raspy, gruff voice was heard.

"Onyx, I'm good. I need to-" "Focus on the tournament? Are you ready? I heard you-"


"Everybody in the castle knows Caspian. No point in hiding it."

"...Sure. Fine. Yes."

"Ok then. That wasn't hard now?" The gargoyle looked at him, stretching her jaw before gliding out the giant window. The thief looked at her and then turned back, facing forward muttering to himself "It's just a day. That's pretty long. I can prepare by then, right?"



Hi guys. Back with a shorter chapter, but some stuff is coming soon I guess. Idk I've been more active with my art, surprisingly- Anyways, hopefully I'll come back with a better chapter soon. Sending love.

Burnt Roses and Stolen Hearts(Lucien x Caspian)Where stories live. Discover now