Chapter 25

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Waking up to the sound of a snap, Lucien blinked and whipped his head around, not even processing his surroundings. Actually stretching and rising up, he observed his location. A forest-like area with little bit of a glow here and there that made it easier to see. Well, wherever he was, it seemed secluded enough to keep out of any legend's view.  Good.

Still weary, he trudged through the stuffy area and looked around, making sure that he wasn't heard. It was too dark for him to be seen anyways. During his 'travel', he still heard voices. Familiar ones. Or maybe that was his head, too tired to think. He didn't even remember how he ended up in that sleeping position. He paused.


The highwayman's neck nearly snapped when he turned to the voice's direction. Oh no. ... It sounded like... Barraza. Shit.

"Lucien. Come out now." That was Diana.

"I doubt he's here then." Scarlet.

"No. He is here. I know it. I feel it. COME OUT! PLEASE!" Barraza again.

"Lucien! We can talk it out over Kung Foot practice! Come on!" Thea.

"Your ability to resonate is astoundingly bad. Why isn't Fait helping us?! I swear to god this place feels more and more like a simulation-" Ada.


Too many legends, too much time to think. Now it was time to move before the voices got closer. Or before more came.

Lucien didn't even hesitate, and lightly leaped deeper into the dim area. He knew it was still very late... or early. Whatever time it was, it was still really dark. The Frenchman assumed he hadn't slept much with that info. Still, he tiredly still ran.

He had no idea where he was going, or how fast, or the consequences. All he knew was that he never wanted to see another legend again.

– –

The same tail patted Caspian on the back, but this time it didn't feel warm or reassuring. Maybe it was supposed to be, but now, it just felt like another distraction. The thief was still trembling, processing the matter. He'd understood enough. At this point, he had stopped trying to pretend to act strong, he was shaking. Eyes puffy and red.

The kitsune trying to coax him muttered softly.

"Hey hey now... it's okay. It's going to be fine..."

"You're lying. He's gone."

"He'll come back."

"Yeah, and he'd never want to see my face again. Ever."

"Now, you don't know that!"

"You probably do. Now don't bite your lip. Just be honest."

Yumiko's eyes opened and she blinked, as if she'd get her vision back. Still, she sadly looked at Caspian before sighing longly. Closing her eyes again, she searched for the right words. Still stroking the prince's back, she thought hard about words that wouldn't hurt him. Yumiko was also processing the moment. She couldn't help but to blame herself for the whole thing. Maybe if she didn't... cause a staff change, the situation wouldn't've happened.

Jiro however, seemed upset, even a little irritated about the situation rather than sad. Sitting a little closer to the thief, he nudged him, and gave a hopeful look.

"Well... there's always other people, right?"

Caspian took a deep, weary breath and looked back at Jiro with hopeless eyes.

"Yes, but who would matter more than... him?"

The prince's shoulders sagged and his eyes rested back at his gloved hands, laying on his lap.

"Well, that might be true, but maybe..."

"What? It was never meant to be?"

Facing the shogun, Caspian's eyes leveled his. His voice was bitter-toned. It was very sharp, but it seemed as if the prince was losing his temper, but was also trying really hard not to let it show. The kitsune opened her mouth to try to cool the situation, but-

"Maybe. I mean, you gave him a shot, right? Maybe that 'warm-hearted' highwayman that you believed was truly still... a coldblooded killer."

Caspian's breath hitched with a mix of emotions. Such a blunt response from Jiro was testing him. Their eyes were now glaring, and that's when Yumiko stepped in.

"That's enough, you two. This is getting out of hand. Jiro, don't act like that! It's not like a chance was really given..." Because of us... The kitsune still felt a hint of guilt, but now was not the time.
"Well what can we do? Good thing you called off Fait to tell the others. You guys just need some time to think... Lucien's always running away from his problems anyways."
"Possibly that was the right response."

Yumiko's eyes shot open again, scared. She knew what was happening next. She leaped at Caspian, who juked her and threw himself out the door. Jiro screamed.



Oh how this feels familiar. Just with different legends.

Yumiko, hurt by the thrown thought, started chasing after him, but Jiro flung himself at her, grabbing her hand.

"Jiro! How could you do this?!"
"They just need time."

"YOU'RE NOT ANSWERING ME!" The shadow stealer let go and Yumiko whipped her body around to face him. She took a deep breath and tried to keep a poker face, but clearly it wasn't working. Her tail lashed the ground with a force of small fury.

"Look. They'll find their way. He's heading in Lucien's direction anyways. I know it. Don't bother. I know they haven't given up on each other yet. We just don't need to interfere."

"Jiro... I know you have another reason. Don't even start."

Jiro looked at Yumiko, his eyes hiding a shot of pain. He wrinkled his nose and all he did was stare and look away, muttering.

"Well maybe, but it doesn't matter anyways."

Yumiko only looked with pity. That was all she really felt like she'd been doing for the past... night? Still, she looked into the distance to find the thief gone.

As for Caspian, he was scrambling his way into the Fangwild. The chances of anyone being there was... well, it wasn't slim. Still, he was trained for this. Swiftly and quietly making his way through the dark, he shuffled to the forest. Navigating through the dark wasn't hard, especially with the bioluminescent fungi and plants giving the Fangwild an eerie vibe. it was just what would happen afterwards. 

He had no idea what he was going to do, or how, or what, he even thought of the consequences. That didn't matter. All he knew was that he never wanted to see another legend again.


Slowly decaying rn. Anyways, I have another chapter. The next one should be relatively short(just like this one, tbh), I believe. I'm really sorry about this. Hopefully it'll come out soon, and good, I pray. Love yall.

Burnt Roses and Stolen Hearts(Lucien x Caspian)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat