Chapter 28

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...One more left(?)


Caspian just sat there, still and shocked. Lucien was still turned away, flushed.

"You... what?"

"I said I also love you. Can you hear me?"

"Is this a dream?"


"Do it again then."

"What the fu-"

"Do it again. If it isn't a dream."

"You just want me to kiss you, don't-"

"Yes I do, but just in ca-"

Lucien pecked him on the lips again.

"There. Dreaming still?"


"You sly bastard. It was worth seeing it on your face though."

"Oh how the turned tables."


"Really though, you mean it?"

"Yes. Yes I do. I'm really relieved that I did that."

"I guess I can say I am too. I never knew."

"What makes you think I knew myself?"

"...That's fair. I'm just glad to know that you have fallen for my charm too, pumpkin~"

"Okay now you're just trying to piss me off."

"As if I ever would."

The highwayman huffed with embarrassment as the thief chuckled and buried his head into the other's hair, letting the smell of gunpowder get to his nose. Lucien yawned, slightly because he was tired, and just to see how the other would react to the moving hair.


"I guess."

"Then rest... no one's trying to find us anyways..."

"No one is trying to find me anyways. I doubt that they're not trying to search for you."

"...Don't worry. Some things... happened, they'll leave us for now."


"You're too uptight, of course, I promise."

Caspian kissed Lucien's forehead and gave a reassuring smile. A warm hope. The highwayman tried to give another smile, which was probably crooked, before just sighing tiredly and snuggling in, before feeling the thief's arms and body shift around to sort of be a comfortable support. Lucien just lay his head under Caspian's head and slowly but surely fell asleep...


The wind blew whistling its own tune. The sky was dark again. Time went by, but to the now two lovers, it didn't seem to matter. Snuggled up against the bole of one of the majestic Fangwild trees, the two were cuddled up, enjoying each other's warmth. Lucien resting his head on the crook of Caspian's neck as the thief was hugging him from the back, in a tight, but comforting manner. They were sleeping soundly through the night... rather, the beginning of a new day.

At this time however, the Fangwild wasn't all quiet. Another figure, somewhere close by, was wandering around. The snores had reached their ears and they narrowed their red eyes. Something was close by.

Turning around a tree they nearly stumbled at the sight. Eyes widening, they took a step back to clearly process what was being witnessed. They stared a little longer before realizing past events. Just a small smile then formed on their lips as they started muttering.

"Oh... you finally got him huh Caspian? You lucky dog... This will be interesting..."

Looking at the two, Caspian especially, the figure only wondered what to do. Looking around, they then knew.

Gazing into the sky, which was still dark from yesterday, a low hum filled the air, just barely blending in with the trees' hymns. In just a few seconds, a companion was summoned, almost out of thin air.

The silent sidekick of a sort landed near, watching the shaded figure intently. The figure's red eyes stared back, almost blinking in a tired way before they sighed. In the corner of their eye, the two were still sleeping, snoring rather. They weren't going to wake up in a while.

Staring back up at their pal, who looked just as shaded as the night(mixed with the trees' shadows), the figure smiled humorously before talking ever so softly;

"Yarra... go get Ash. I think we'll have to pay Yumi a visit. She'll find this interesting all right... that she will."


Editing later... don't mind the problems. Oh, and it was meant to be a short chapter.

Haha I probably got some of you guys. THOUGHT IT WAS GONNA BE JIRO, DIDN'T YA- [Edit: I'm sorry- I would like to apologize for past me being me, I just thought that it was kinda funny. Might have not been...] Anyways, sorry for the wait... so much has happened, so sorry you guys... Dw, I still love you guys, ya wall of silent people.

Anyways, much love, Spiff. <3

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