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Shockwave P.O.V.

I was still worried about my sparkmate if her brother did return. So I decided to go to the bridge to see if Soundwave, and Lord Megatron were still on the bridge before they went to recharge.

Soundwave: Shockwave what are you still doing up at this late at night. I thought you, and Marcy were recharging.

Shockwave: I can't go to sleep yet. I need to speak to you, and Lord Megatron about Marcys brother.

Soundwave: yes. I understand what you are saying, come follow me. Megatron is actually in his quarters. I was also going to speak to him as well.

So Shockwave, and Soundwave walked to Megatron quarters, and knocked on his door, and immediately they heard Megatron say come in.

Megatron: ah. Soundwave, Shockwave, what brings you two to see me at this time.

Soundwave, and Shockwave both looked at each other. But Soundwave mentioned Shockwave to talk first.

Shockwave: well my Liege both me, and Soundwave are concerned about Marcy's brother coming back. And I am concerned about Marcy's health, including my sparkling's health.

Megatron: indeed. I understand your thoughts, and concerns. But there is something else that has got me to be more concerned about.

Shockwave: oh. And what is that my Liege?

Megatron: Megatron leaned back in his chair, and explained. Shockwave, and Soundwave have you both seen Starscream at all.

Shockwave: since you brought that up no I haven't seen Starscream at all what about you Soundwave.

Soundwave: negative. I have been wondering the same thing. You don't suppose that.

Megatron: that Starscream could possibly bring him back, yes I am concerned. Because after what he did he brought dreadwings twin brother SkyQuake back alive. And he then again brought him back, but SkyQuake is a terrorcon roaming In the shadow zone. I am most certain that Starscream is behind this. Soundwave I want you to have Laserbeak scour the place, and locate what he is doing.

Soundwave: my Liege. Do you want me to have Ravage also protect Marcy, and the sparkling.

Megatron: I don't see why not. Ravage could also be a good use.

Megatron: We'll talk more about this tomorrow. Get some rest, and recharge. I am also in need of a recharge after what has happened today.

Soundwave, and Shockwave: yes my Liege.

Shockwave: I know he said to use it to recharge. But I don't know how flightflare is doing, but I will check on it tomorrow. See you tomorrow Soundwave, and thank you.

Soundwave: your welcome. I will make sure Ravage gets plenty of recharge, and keeps guard on Marcy.

So they went their ways and they both went to their berth rooms. And Soundwave made sure to let Ravage, and Laserbeak know what is going on tomorrow, and what their missions are.

Soundwave: Ravage, Laserbeak, I have a mission I need you to do tomorrow.

Ravage: okay. Sire, what is the mission? Do I get to sink my teeth into some autobots?

Soundwave chuckled:

Soundwave: no my sparkling you don't. I have an important mission actually. I need you to protect, and guard Marcy 24/7 tomorrow. And I will make sure you get plenty of energon.

Ravage: oh. So you want me to protect Marcy. WAIT. You want me to protect Marcy from her brother. I thought he was dead, and you killed him.

Soundwave: well. He could be dead, or not. Megatron wants everyone to be on high alert because.

Ravage: I think I know who you are talking about. I also have noticed that Starscream hasn't been around.

Soundwave: yes that is what the problem is. Megatron wants you to protect you because he thinks Starscream will online her brother after what he did to Dreadwings twin brother SkyQuake.

Laserbeak: sire. What is my mission? I heard you saying that I also have a mission too.

Soundwave: yes you do Laserbeak. I want you to follow, and track everything, and record everything that Starscream does. Do not let Starscream know that you are following him.

Laserbeak: yes sire. I will be careful.

Soundwave: now. You two need to get plenty of sleep for tomorrow. I will make sure that you get plenty of energon as well as Laserbeak.

Laserbeak, and Ravage: goodnight sire.

Soundwave: goodnight my sparklings.

Soundwave thinking:

Why would Starscream do this? But we never know with starscream. I need to get some recharge for tomorrow because I also need to track Starscream.

Transformers Prime: Fanfiction Shockwave And Marcy Part 2Where stories live. Discover now