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After Daikon, and Soundwave left Daikon was wondering why he wasn't wearing a visor, because he was always wearing a visor. But he was confused why he always had one on his face

Daikon: uh. Soundy. Where's the visor?

Soundwave: being repaired.

Daikon: why you wear one.

Soundwave: uh. Don't know why I didn't want people to see my face. I guess you can say that I was scared.

After Soundwave, and Daikon were walking, Soundwave decided to go to the cafeteria to get some energon. He needed a good drink.

Daikon: We are going to the cafeteria.

Soundwave: yes. I need to refresh my energon.

After they got to the cafeteria the doors opened, and Soundwave saw Steve one of the vehicons sitting in the corner.

Daikon: Stevey.

Steve: Hello Daikon. Uh Soundwave it is good to have you back sir.

Soundwave: yes thank you Steve.

Steve: Here I think you might want some.

Soundwave: thank you.

Soundwave tried sending a message to Laserbeak, but he felt that it wasn't going through. He was starting to get worried.

Steve: Soundwave what's wrong.

Soundwave: it's Laserbeak she is not responding to me, or my messages that I sent her through our bond. I am starting to get worried.

Steve: She's probably fine Soundwave.

Comm link Megatron: Soundwave I need to come to the bridge immediately. Laserbeak has returned.

Comm link Soundwave: yes my Lord. Soundwave was relieved that Laserbeak made it back. So Soundwave decided to bring his energon, and Daikon with him.

Soundwave: it was nice talking to you Steve.

Steve: you to Soundwave.

Soundwave: come on Daikon.

Daikon. Okay. Bye Stevey.

Steve: bye Daikon.

Soundwave started walking to the bridge, and noticed Daikon wasn't himself.

Soundwave: Daikon, are you okay.

Daikon: I… I.. Soundy.

Comm link Soundwave: Knockout I need you to meet me inside the bridge like now it is Daikon.

Comm link Knockout: right I will be right there.

Soundwave hurried up, and carried Daikon to the bridge, and waited till Knockout to arrive.

Megatron: Soundwave what happened. What's wrong with Daikon?

Soundwave: I don't know my Liege. We walked out of the cafeteria. And all of the sudden in like seconds Daikon wasn't feeling like himself.

Daikon: whimper m…Megsy.

Megatron: hey. I'm right here. Soundwave I want you to find the information that is on Laserbeak. I will take Daikon.

Megatron looked at Daikon, and knew that something wasn't right; he wasn't himself. He is always happy, and cheerful, but now he's not. Megatron put his servos on his helm, and hissed.

Megatron: Daikon you're burning up. I mean you are hot to the touch this isn't normal for a sparkling.

Comm link Megatron: Knockout get to the bridge now this is urgent.

Comm link Knockout: I am on my way.

Just before the call ended , Megatron heard the doors open. And immediately looked to see who it was, and it was Knockout.

Megatron: Knockout it's Daikon. He is burning up. He is hot to the touch. And he is shivering. And not only that he is whimpering.

Daikon: k…Knockey. Whimper.

Knockout: hey hey I am here little guy. Here, give him to me my liege. I will take him to my med bay, and run some tests.

Comm link Knockout: Shockwave I need you to meet me in my med bay it is Daikon.

Comm link Shockwave: I am on my way.

Knockout quickly ran to the med bay, put Daikon on the med berth, and quickly started testing. Just before then he heard the doors open, and noticed that Shockwave just arrived in time.

Shockwave: Knockout what happened.

Daikon: s…s..sire. (whimper)

Shockwave: I am here Daikon don't worry.

Knockout: I really don't know Shockwave. I am doing, and running the tests right now.

After the test results came through, knockout discovered it was sparkling fever.

Knockout: don't worry, Shockwave Daikon has sparkling fever. It is treatable.

Shockwave: thank goodness. Thank you Knockout.

Knockout: your welcome.

Daikon: whimper. S… sire.

Shockwave: I am right here son.

Shockwave held Daikon up, and held him close to his chest.

Knockout: here have him take this. It will help him get better.

Shockwave knew what it was; it was some of the nasty drink for sparklings to drink to get better.

Shockwave: Here son I need you to drink this.

Daikon looked up, grabbed the drink, and immediately started drinking. He didn't like the taste, but he knew he had to drink it to get better.

Knockout: wow. I have never seen a sparkling drink like that before with this drink. Well don't worry Daikon. If you drink this you will start to feel better.

Shockwave: yes. Indeed. Knockout if you don't mind can you get Scansers for me please, and FlightFlare. I think Daikon would like to see them. Anyways they'll probably start to make him start feeling better.

Knockout: alright. I will fetch them for you.

Shockwave: thank you Knockout.

Transformers Prime: Fanfiction Shockwave And Marcy Part 2Where stories live. Discover now