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In The Bridge:

Soundwave was working on Laserbeak looking for information until he got a signal, and a locator on the computer. Soundwave tilted his helm, and realized that this signal was Marcy, but how did she escape. Or could this be a deception.

Comm link Soundwave: my Liege I need you to come to the bridge. There is something you need to see.

Comm link Megatron: on my way Soundwave

Soundwave was still tracking on the coordinates until finally a call connection came through. A voice of a femme came through, and Soundwave knew that was the voice of Marcy.

Crackling call Marcy: Soundwave it's me I need help. They are after me. I actually found a way to escape. Please help.

Megatron finally reached the bridge, and asked what the problem was.

Megatron: This better be good. As always, it is good.

Soundwave: my Liege. It's Marcy. I just received a message from her. She has escaped.

Marcy Call Connection: Soundwave I need a bridge please. I can't keep running that very long. Please. I will send you the coordinates. Of my location.

Soundwave received the coordinates, and immediately set them, and sent the ground bridge to where Marcy was at. Soundwave had gotten the location looked, and sent the bridge

Soundwave: Marcy you will need to go through the portal. You will reach the bridge once you cross the bridge.

Marcy: right copy.

Marcy finally made it through the bridge.

LeoZack army: frag. We lost her. We won't hear the end of it with our commander.

LeoZack: What's going on? I hope you got her.

LeoZack army: no commander we lost her.

LeoZack: frag. Return at once you will not hear the end of this.

On The Nemesis Ship:

Both Megatron, and Soundwave were anxious to see Marcy coming through the portal until finally a familiar femme bot walked through. It was Marcy.

Megatron: Marcy it is good to have you back. Because as I speak, Starscream isn't my second in command anymore. I am promoting you as my second in command. If that is okay with you.

Marcy: yes it is. It is good to be back.

Megatron: oh. And you might want to head to the med bay first.

Marcy: Really why.

Megatron: it's Daikon. But don't worry he is going to be fine, he just has the case of sparkling fever.

Marcy: Okay thank you for letting me know.

I was just heading to the doors when they opened. And I noticed a familiar face. It was Knockout's.

Knockout: Marcy. It is good to see you, and it is good to have you back. Don't worry I won't tell anyone.

Marcy: Thank you.

I was just heading to the med bay. I was finally feeling joy, and crying at the same time because I knew I was home reuniting with my sparkmate, and my sparkling. I let the med bay doors open, but didn't want nobody to see me.

Shockwave: strange.

Scansers: do the doors always do that Shockwave.

Shockwave: no. It is illogical that the doors never opened like that.

Shockwave, Scansers, and FlightFlare looked at Daikon. And the doors were still open, and I decided to stand in front of the doorway. I seen Shockwave look, but with surprise

Shockwave: no. It can't be that I must be dreaming.

Marcy: no my love you aren't dreaming. Before I knew it he ran to me with Daikon in his servos, and hugged me as tight as he could. I knew he was never letting me go.

Scansers: sis. How… How did you escape?

Marcy: I have my ways. I had to pick a good day, and time. Now let me see my sparkling.

Shockwave handed Daikon over to me. He was fast asleep. I nuzzled him on the helm. He started to wake up until he looked at me, and his optics widened.

Daikon: carrier. Is that you?

Marcy: Yes, my little one. It is me.

Daikon: carrier. I missed you. Please don't leave me, or sire ever again.

Marcy: I won't. I promise you that.

After everyone was congratulating me back. Me, and Shockwave headed back to the berth room. Daikon was asleep. And that's when me, and Shockwave got to have our time alone again.

Shockwave: I've missed you so much my sweet spark. It was hard with you not around. But I had some help with everybody.

Marcy: I know. I've missed you too

Before we knew it we had our intimacy that we hadn't had in a long time. And I knew that nothing was going to separate us again. It was there that I knew that my family was safe, and the whole decepticon army was safe. We don't know what the future holds, but that would be another story.

Transformers Prime: Fanfiction Shockwave And Marcy Part 2Where stories live. Discover now