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Inside The Med Bay:

Marcy: Where is Shockwave?

When Marcy asked where Shockwave was, the doors opened, and saw Shockwave.

Marcy: Shockwave.

Shockwave: I am here now. You are going to be okay now.

Marcy was pushing, and pushing, and it was about an hour before she finally gave birth.

Marcy: Knockout what is it

Knockout: First the sparkling is healthy, and second it is a mech. Congratulations

Megatron: So what are you guys going to call him?

Marcy: Well, we were thinking about calling him Daikon.

Megatron smiled, and responded back.

Megatron: I think that is a great name for him. Knockout go, and get Soundwave for me.

Knockout: yes my Lord.

Knockout walked out of his med bay so exhausted that he hasn't had the time to recharge. But he had a task to do. He was walking, and knocked on Soundwaves door.

Soundwave: come in. Soundwave noticed it was Knockout, and asked if he need anything

Knockout: no I don't. But Lord Megatron wants to see you in my med bay. And also I think I am going to have a day off because I HAVEN'T HAD A RECHARGE YET.

Ravage: jeez. You don't have to yell. You know how sensitive my audio receptors are. Including my hearing.

Soundwave chuckled:

Soundwave: alright let me get my stuff ready, and I'll head your way.

Knockout: fine it's. Before Knockout said anything else. He had completely passed out.

Ravage: sire is he okay

Soundwave: yes he is. And I understand him. He actually looks like he hasn't had a decent recharge. Here help me up with him.

Ravage: yes sire.

When Soundwave got done with Knockout. He went immediately to the med bay to see what Lord Megatron wanted. He got to the med bay, and the doors opened, and he noticed a little sparkling in Marcy's servos.

Megatron: Finally you are here Soundwave. Have you discovered the location where Starscream is at yet.

Soundwave: negative sir. Everything is leading to a dead end

Megatron: I see. Where is Knockout?

Soundwave: uh. To be honest he is completely passed out which I mean my Lord he is recharging.

Megatron: I see. Well never mind that. We can't have a medic that hasn't had a good rest now can we.

Transformers Prime: Fanfiction Shockwave And Marcy Part 2Where stories live. Discover now