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In The Halls:

I was really scared, but I was most scared, and worried about Soundwave. I had to go to Shockwave. I was walking when I bumped into someone. I looked to see who it was, and it was Steve.

Steve: Marcy I am sorry I wasn't really watching where I was going. Are you okay?

Marcy: yes, and no Steve. By any chance do you know where Shockwave is at.

Steve: yes. He is in the cafeteria. Marcy, are you okay? You seem tense about something.

Marcy: I… excuse me Steve. Sorry I don't mean to be rude.

Steve: It's okay. Anyways I need to get back to work.

I was walking to where Steve said where Shockwave was at. I finally reached the doors to the cafeteria. The doors opened, and I saw Shockwave, and Daikon sitting together. I smiled, and I loved Shockwave with all of my spark, and I loved Daikon the most. He was a joy to me, and Shockwave. I walked to where they were sitting. Shockwave turned his head, and noticed me heading there. He noticed that I was tense, and he told Daikon to go, and play.

Shockwave: Daikon run, and go play. Me, and your carrier need to talk in private okay son.

Daikon: Okay sire. Daikon hugged his sire, and went to his carrier, and hugged her. Love you carrier, love you sire.

Shockwave and Marcy: love you to Daikon.

We waited until Daikon left until we were able to chat alone.

Shockwave: sigh. Sweet spark I can see that you are tense, and something is wrong. Please tell me what is bothering you.

Marcy: well. There is something bothering me. It.

Shockwave: Marcy you know you can tell me anything.

Marcy: It's about my sire. I was going to tell you about him earlier. But. My sire has done something.

Shockwave: okay. What has your sire done that is terrible.

Marcy: Shockwave.

Shockwave: what. Well I don't know your sire too well. And I never met him before.

Marcy: Shockwave I have about 2 hours to make a deal, or the offer that my sire had given to Megatron. He has captured Soundwave, and wants to make a trade deal. He will trade Soundwave for me. And my sire is a lot more dangerous than Starscream, or my brother.

Shockwave: no. My answer is no. You know I could have almost lost you because of Starscream, and your brother anyways what is your sires name.

Marcy: You may have heard of him before because Megatron has. His name is LeoZack.

Shockwave just froze when his sparkmate just said the name.

Shockwave: What the frag? Look I know you want Soundwave safe. But we have a child to take care of.

Marcy: I know. But you really don't know what my site is capable of. I can handle myself. I will be okay.

Shockwave: sigh. I can't stop you, can I?

Marcy: no. You can't. If anything happens.

Shockwave: don't say that please. Fine.

Shockwave, and I were exiting the cafeteria, and heading to the bridge. I looked at Shockwave, and noticed his head looking the other way but I stopped and looked at him, and he looked at me. We both knew we may never see each other again. He grabbed me, and we both embraced each other. He whispered in my audio receptors, and said this.

Shockwave: be safe my sparkmate I love you. He whispered. Lifting my head, and he rest my helm against his

Marcy: I love you too. Please keep Daikon safe, and keep him away from my sire.

We continued walking when we arrived at the bridge, the doors opened, and noticed Scansers standing next to Megatron.

Scansers: I see that you made up your mind sis. Be Careful.

Megatron: So Marcy, are you sure about this?

Marcy: Yes, my Lord. Anything to help anyone that is on the decepticon side.

Megatron. Very well. We will contact LeoZack, and tell him our decision.

So we contacted LeoZack, and he answered, and this was what he said.

LeoZack: So I see you made a decision, Megatron.

Megatron: Well, it wasn't my decision.

LeoZack: Really then whose was it?

Megatron ushered me to come, and when I appeared on the screen my sire was surprised that I accepted the deal

LeoZack: Well well wel. Isn't my daughter. So you actually accepted my offer. I am surprised because you, and your brother, tried to stay away from me for millions of years. Why now?

Marcy: That isnt any of your business. You piece of scrap.

LeoZack: Now see here you piece of trash. I am your sire, and you will do what I say, and what I want. I do not tolerate that tone, and language at all. I will send you the coordinates where I will get you.

The call ended, and I was more scared after the call ended. Before I knew it Megatron had set up the coordinates, and had a vehicon go, and get Soundwave, and bring him to the ship. I looked around, and saw the faces, and the looks on everyone's faces.

Scansers: be careful sis. We will get you back. I promise you that.

Marcy: I know wait Shockwave. Please take care of Daikon. I love you.

Shockwave: I know I love you too. Be careful.

Before I knew it I was walking through the ground bridge to the location where my sire wanted me to meet him. I walked through, and I stepped out of the ground bridge. Steve went over to get Soundwave, and take him back to the ship, and Steve passed me, and said this

Steve: be safe Marcy, and be careful don't worry we'll take good care of Daikon.

I smiled, and walked past them. And I saw a figure walking toward me, and I immediately knew I was faced to face with my enemy, my own sire.

LeoZack: Well daughter, you thought you could hide from me, but you know that you can't. I will always find you, and your brother because of the bond, and the spark we share. Now get going.

I followed behind my father looking down. I Was afraid of what was going to happen. But a lot of things were going through my head. But the one thing I didn't want him to know was that I had a sparkling. I wanted to run, but I knew that I couldn't because my father was faster than I was, and he also had plenty of guards around.

We finally made it to the place where my fathers base was. I kind of remember this place, but I didn't want to remember because of the trauma, and horror that my father did.

LeoZack: Now get inside. And don't do anything dumb, or you'll regret it understood.

Marcy: Yes sir. Uh. I mean yes, sire.

LeoZack: Good. Now stay here.

My sire closed the door after he walked out. I was thinking about Shockwave, and Daikon. I missed them already. I don't know how Daikon is holding up while I wasn't there. I knew there were guards at the door, but I really didn't care. But one guard I did remember. I can't believe he is still working for him.

Marcy: Sunflare is that you. Why are you still working for him? Well I mean my sire

Sunflare: Marcy. Surprised you still recognized me. Well you know me. I will always be loyal to your sire, and our commander. And you know that.

When we got done talking I heard someone coming, and walking down, and I recognized who it was. It was Fellbat.

Fellbat: well well well. Isn't it little Marcy I presume. Your father has been trying to find you, and your brother for a long time.

Marcy: Hello Fellbat. What do you want, you filthy creature.

Fellbat. Tsk tsk tsk. Now don't be rude. I will talk to you later. Your sire needs me.

Transformers Prime: Fanfiction Shockwave And Marcy Part 2Where stories live. Discover now