Chapter 26 - The Last Year

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Milena's time spent at the Order's headquarters was less fun than she had expected, but it was interesting to say the least. They had spent most of their time helping Mrs. Weasley clean different rooms and try to rid them of whatever creatures had made their way into the house.

Many members of the Order had come and gone through the house, going into meetings which Milena and the others had been told they were not allowed to be a part of because they were still in school. Fred and George had created what they called "extendable ears" which they used for a while to listen in on meetings until Mrs. Weasley caught on and started charming the rooms they met in so they wouldn't be able to hear it. Most of what they knew was that Harry was to continue to stay at the Dursley's and that Dumbledore seemed to have a lot he wasn't able to share yet, making Milena and the twins want to be in the meetings even more.

"I mean I understand them not letting the others in just yet, but we're of age, we're ready to help, we want to help! I don't get it." Milena complained as Fred reeled in the extendable ear that was no longer picking up sound.

"I say we drop out of school early," Fred suggested, "then there's nothing stopping them from letting us in."

"Honestly, I'm considering it." Milena said, half joking.

"Maybe when they finally get Harry here, we'll be able to get more information," George said. "I mean they surely won't keep the information from him, will they? Him being 'the chosen one' and all."

"I guess we'll just have to see." Milena sighed.

Mr. Weasley soon came running in the front door and down the hallway, making Sirius' mother start screeching again, though it seemed the least of his worries as he ran straight passed into the room where the order was meeting again.

Milena and the twins hurried down the stairs and all pulled the curtains shut again, trying to listen to what was being said, but the moment the door was shut, all sound had gone, missing whatever Mr. Weasley was telling them all.

"What do you think that was all about?" Fred asked.

"No idea." Milena shrugged.

Later that day, Mrs. Weasley had informed Ron and Hermione of what had happened who quickly relayed the information to the twins, Ginny, and Milena. Harry was going to be coming to the Order's headquarters sooner than expected. He had been attacked by two dementors which he had to fend off on his own, though a man named Mundungus was supposed to be there quietly watching and protecting him. Since he was still underage, the ministry was threatening to expel him and break his wand, which Dumbledore managed to withhold until they could have a trial.

"They surely won't expel him," Ginny said, "right? They won't break his wand?"

"Who knows... I think Fudge may be losing it," Fred said.

"You shoulda seen him in the hospital wing the night of the final task when Dumbledore was speaking to him. Looked completely offended, like Dumbledore was threatening to take his place or something." Ron said.

Not too long later, what looked like a small army of Order members entered the house and soon were leaving again, being led by Moody (the real one this time) to go and get Harry and bring him to the headquarters.

Everyone who had stayed behind, mainly anyone too young to join the order, Mrs. Weasley and Sirius, were sitting around in the parlour room, waiting for the others to come back. They had to fly just as Milena did to try and stay as hidden as possible with someone who hadn't seen the house yet.

They were gone for what felt like hours and Milena could see that Sirius was growing more antsy, waiting for his god son to arrive. She could tell he was growing tired of hiding in the house, but the risk of him leaving and being caught was too great from him to be able to go anywhere.

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