Research Paper (Cheating)

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Practical Research

Research Title: Understanding and the Holistic solution  behind Academic Dishonesty among Grade 12 Student of Humanity and Social Science of Siaton National High School

Introduction: There are two main reasons why this research is being conducted; One is to present an in-depth interpretation and understanding of the Grade 12 student of Humanity and Social Science of Siaton National High School behind academic cheating. Two, is to provide a holistic solution regarding the epidemic of cheating among HUMSS students of Siaton National High School

It is academic cheating when a student copies answers from the other student's test paper, copies another student's homework, uses "crib notes", cellphone, or some other method to secretly look at information to answer test questions, use a cellphone or other device to take a picture of test and exam and sends them to other student, or text message questions and answer to another student and pays another student do to his/her homework (Aderman 2014). The first thing we should recognize about cheating is that vast majority of the student believe that cheating is bad and it is punishable by the rules and regulations of the school, yet, there still many student practice it. According to D Stuber McEwen cheating in school is called Academic Dishonesty (2009). In one of the survey conducted, 75% admit to cheating on test, quizzes, and homework (Aderman 1998) this indicates that the students we're more interested on earning good grades rather than learning.

Nowadays, students relyed on the cheating platform to have better grades. Even though first and foremost, they are aware that this is wrong in all aspects. As a researcher, cheating will never be fair with the ones who are diligently studying and striving in order to have well-deserved grades. The researchers were alarmed to this noticeable circumstance. So, the researchers are encouraged to conduct a study about this and seek to understand the reason behind academic cheating among grade 12 HUMSS student of Siaton National High School.

Cheating at school happens often and practically all grade level. It is our desired that the bottom line of this study would contribute to the understanding of the students' behavior towards studying and find a holistic approach on solving this epidemic school issue.

Scope and Delimitation
The scope of this study will be cover the factors that influence student to cheat during exam and quizzes; To better understand the reason behind academic dishonesty of the student. It also aims to help the teachers to give holistic sulotion regarding epidemic cheating among Grade 12 HUMSS students of Siaton National High School

This study will not cover the entire Grade 12 strand of Siaton National High School nor the entirety of the school. It only covers Grade 12 HUMSS student of Siaton National High School enrolled in academic year 2022-2023.

Moreover, during the survey, the researchers asked 10 selected participants from every section to participant voluntarily in the survey and told that the thier name will not going to mentioned in the research paper.

Significance Of The Study

Benefits and Beneficiaries
The researcher believes that this study not only yield data that will be helpful to the studentsl, more so to the following gruops of people:

The students:  In particular, the Grade12 HUMSS students of Siaton National High School will develop their potential skill in thier academic learning especially in less than a year they will going to proceed in the higher level. Moreover, it develops diligent attitude in their studies, self-confidence, and honesty.

Teachers: The benifit of this study will give to the teachers is that; they will have an idea of the new methods and techniques of cheating that the student does.Thus, it will give them proper assessment to thier student in thier learning process.
School Administration: In this study, the school administration will going to come up a new strategies addressing on the issues of the academic dishonesty of the students. Hence, holistic solution will be implemented through rules and regulations.

Parents: The parents will going to have an assurance that thier children's score during exam is out of thier learning capabilities.
Statement Of The Problem (S.O.P)
The study aimed to present an in-depth interpretation and understanding behind academic dishonesty of the Grade 12 student of Humanity and Social Science of Siaton National High School. Thus, to find a holistic solution regarding the epidemic of cheating among HUMSS students of Siaton National High School. Specifically, the researchers sought to answer the following question:

Research Question:
1. What are the factors that influence students to cheat?
2. What kind of methods does the student use to cheat during exam?
3. What specific subject did the students mostly engaged in cheating?
4. Aside from the rules and regulations of the school, what are the strategies that need to be implemented in order for the students to be afraid of cheating?

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