G.E 8 (3) Quizzes

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1. A. Individual
2. B. The overall culture and values of the organization
3. B. The broader policies, procedures, and systemic factors that influence ethical decisions
4. A. The individual facing the dilemma
5. A. The organizational structure and hierarchy
6. C. Broader societal norms and policies
7. A. Addressing underlying systemic issues and policies
8. A. Their personal values and beliefs

1. At the individual level of moral dilemmas, decisions and actions primarily pertain to an individual's personal values and beliefs. This means that the ethical choices are driven by the moral compass of the person facing the dilemma.

2. When considering an organizational moral dilemma, the primary focus of ethical considerations is on the overall culture and values of the organization. This emphasizes the importance of the organization's collective ethical framework in guiding decisions and actions.

3. At the structural or systemic level of moral dilemmas, the main concern is the broader policies, procedures, and systemic factors that influence ethical decisions. This level looks beyond individual actions to examine the larger institutional context that may contribute to ethical challenges.

4. In an individual moral dilemma, the responsibility for making ethical choices primarily falls on the individual facing the dilemma. This underscores the personal accountability of the person in navigating ethical challenges.

5. When analyzing an organizational moral dilemma, understanding the ethical implications is crucial by considering the organizational structure and hierarchy. This involves assessing how the organization's internal dynamics may shape ethical decision-making.

6. At the structural or systemic level, moral dilemmas may be influenced by broader societal norms and policies. This recognizes that external factors beyond the organization's boundaries can contribute to ethical challenges at a systemic level.

7. In a structural or systemic moral dilemma, the primary focus when seeking ethical solutions is on addressing underlying systemic issues and policies. This involves implementing changes at a foundational level to prevent similar ethical dilemmas from arising.

8. In an individual moral dilemma, a key consideration for the person facing the dilemma is their personal values and beliefs. This emphasizes the subjective nature of ethical decision-making at the individual level, where personal convictions play a significant role.

9. The organization's values and mission statement
10. Structural or Systemic
11. Reflect on personal values and seek guidance if needed
12. Aligning decisions with the organization's core values and mission
13. Implementing changes in policies and procedures
14. Providing resources for ethical decision-making and guidance
15. The impact on stakeholders within and outside the organization
16. Evaluating and modifying underlying systemic factors and policies
17. They help individuals understand their values and beliefs in context of the dilemma
18. It fosters transparency and allows for collective decision-making

9. When addressing an organizational moral dilemma, leaders must consider the organization's values and mission statement. These provide a guiding framework for decision-making, ensuring that choices align with the organization's overarching purpose and principles.

10. Changes in policies and regulations may be necessary at the structural or systemic level of moral dilemmas to prevent future ethical challenges. This level involves examining and modifying broader institutional frameworks to create a more ethically sound environment.

11. In an individual moral dilemma involving conflicting values, the recommended course of action is for the person to reflect on their personal values and seek guidance if needed. This allows individuals to make decisions that are in line with their beliefs while considering potential impacts.

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