LTS Speech

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Good morning ladies and gentlemen, to my fellow student and most, specially to versatile teacher who keeps our pencil sharp and our pens in ink Dr. Derby C. Kinkito, receive my best greetings. My name is Marjhon Mascardo, and I am a first-year student studying Bachelor of Secondary Education with a major in Social Studies.

Today, allow me to talk about to you the significant characteristics of a good leader in our country. Let me give to you three important key points to better understand in today's objectives.

Number one, Vision and Direction: Effective leadership provides a clear vision and direction for the country. A leader with a compelling vision inspires and motivates the citizens towards a common goal. They set long-term objectives, formulate strategies, and make informed decisions to steer the country in the right direction. A strong leader ensures that the country's resources and efforts are focused on achieving the vision, leading to sustainable development and growth.

Secondly, Decision-making and Problem-solving: Leadership involves making tough decisions and solving complex problems. A capable leader possesses the ability to analyze situations, gather information, consider various perspectives, and make informed choices that benefit the country as a whole. They prioritize national interests, balance competing demands, and navigate through challenges effectively. Strong leadership ensures that decisions are made in the best interest of the country, promoting stability and progress.

Lstly, Inspiring and Unifying: A great leader has the power to inspire and unite the citizens. They possess excellent communication skills and can articulate their vision, values, and policies effectively. By fostering a sense of unity and inclusiveness, leaders can bring diverse groups together, bridge divides, and promote social cohesion. They motivate citizens to actively participate in nation-building, fostering a sense of pride, patriotism, and collective responsibility.

In summary, leadership is significant in our country as it provides vision and direction, facilitates effective decision-making and problem-solving, and inspires and unifies the citizens. A strong leader can drive the country towards progress, stability, and prosperity. Let me end this speech by quoting one of my favorite quotes from Mark Twain "The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why." As I indulge my self into Letirature Training Service, it inspire me to become a good and effective leader someday. "Just beacuse someone stumble and loses their way, it doesn't mean they're lost forever"— Charles Xavier, sometime they just need a little help. Dr Derby, thank you for your little helped. Thank you for inspiring this generation to become good and effective leadership someday. May each and everyone of us find our purpose and use it effectively specially in the ministry of leadership.

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