G.E 8 (2) Quizzes with Explanation

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1. The definition of a moral dilemma?

A. The person is obliged to make a decision about which course of action is best
B. There must be different courses of action to choose from
C. No matter what course of action is taken, some moral principles are always compromised
D. All of the above

This includes the obligation to make a decision about the best course of action, the presence of different courses of action to choose from, and the compromise of some moral principles regardless of the chosen course.

2. Which of the following conditions must be present in a moral dilemma?

A. The person is obliged to make a decision about which course of action is best
B. There must be different courses of action to choose from
C. No matter what course of action is taken, some moral principles are always compromised
D. None of the above

This is because all the options listed are necessary components of a moral dilemma.

3. The types of moral dilemmas?

A. Epistemic and ontological dilemmas
B. Self-imposed and world-imposed dilemmas
C. Obligation dilemmas and prohibition dilemmas
D. Single agent and multi-person dilemmas

These types encompass situations where individuals are torn between fulfilling an obligation and avoiding a prohibition.

A. Epistemic and ontological dilemmas (related to knowledge and existence).

B. Self-imposed and world-imposed dilemmas (arising from personal choices or external factors).

C. Obligation dilemmas and prohibition dilemmas (involving conflicting duties or prohibitions).

D. Single agent and multi-person dilemmas (affecting an individual or multiple people).

The correct answer is C, focusing on obligation dilemmas (conflicting duties) and prohibition dilemmas (conflicting prohibitions). These types capture the essence of moral dilemmas where individuals face challenging choices involving moral principles.

4. In a moral dilemma, what does it mean if there must be different courses of action to choose from?

A. The agent is obligated to make a decision
B. The agent is free to act without any constraints
C. There is only one possible action to take
D. None of the above

5. Which type of moral dilemma involves conflicts between what an individual wants for themselves and what is expected of them by society?

A. Epistemic dilemma
B. Ontological dilemma
C. Self-imposed dilemma
D. World-imposed dilemma

6. What distinguishes an obligation dilemma from a prohibition dilemma in moral dilemmas?

A. Obligation dilemmas involve conflicts between two or more duties, while prohibition dilemmas involve conflicts between what is required and what is forbidden
B. Obligation dilemmas involve conflicts between personal desires, while prohibition dilemmas involve conflicts between societal norms.
C. There is no distinction between obligation and prohibition dilemmas.
D. Obligation dilemmas are always single agent dilemmas, while prohibition dilemmas are always multberson dilemmas.

7. Which type of moral dilemma involves conflicts between different beliefs or worldviews?
A. Epistemic dilemma
B. Ontological dilemma
C. Self-imposed dilemma
D. World-imposed dilemma

8. In a multi-person moral dilemma, what is a characteristic feature?

A. Only one person is involved in making the decision
B. Multiple individuals are involved in making the decision
C. There is only one possible course of action
D. The decision has no impact on others

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