G.E 6 Elements Of Art

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After studying this module, you should be able to:

A. appreciate artworks using the elements of art; and

S. write and interpret artworks based on the elements of art;

K. identify and define the elements of art such as: Visual Arts, Auditory Arts, and Combined Arts; 

Visual Arts

Visual arts refer to art forms that express their message, meaning, and emotion through visual means. Visual arts may be categorized as decorative, commercial, or fine art, such as painting, photography, or sculpture.

The elements of art are fundamental components that artists use to create visual artworks. These elements include line, shape, form, color, texture, space, and value.

Elements of Visual Arts

1. Line– refers to the path created by a moving point. Lines can vary in thickness, curvature, and direction.

Lines can also be seen in bended woods, iron or glass that bent to shape. Lines are also used by photographers when they choose how to angle their subject.

Lines can be:
Free Form

Line can be described in many ways:
Thick or thin, dashed, dotted, rough, smooth, zigzag, implied (lines that has implied meaning)

Every artist has unique to express their own making lines.

Examples: Compare the self portrait
•Self Portrait of Jean Michel Basquiat
• Self Portrait of David Hockney

2. Shape— defined areas created by lines, colors, textures, and values. Shapes falls into two category can be geometric (like circles or squares) or organic (irregular and free-form or one of a kind)

Fruit is one of the favorite subject in terms of shape. When the beginning of the line connects with its own end or intersect with another, shape is formed.

Consider the examples:
•Cezanne heavy solid outline
•Minol Araki– made up with very soft and fuzzy lines.

3. Form– the three-dimensional aspect of an object, including its height, width, and depth. Forms can be represented through techniques like shading and perspective to give the illusion of depth.

In art there is a term called "Trompe L'oeil" is a french word meaning "Fools the eye". It is a style of art that make you question if what you're seeing is real.

Circle became spheres
Squares became cube
Triangles became cones or pyramids

When shapes get this third dimensions of depth they became form.

Consider the examples:
• Artist Aakashi Nihialani often Juxtapose in his arts.

4. Color– the visual sensation produced by light reflecting off an object. Colors have properties like hue (their name), value (lightness or darkness), and intensity (brightness or dullness).

What are the Primary Color:
Red, Yellow, Blue — because they cannot be made from mixing of other color.

What are the secondary Color:
Green, orange, and Violet— they created by mixing two of primary colors

What are the "Tertiary Color"
Red-orange, blue-green etc.— because they are created by mixing the primary and secondary color.

Consider the examples:
•Anish Kapoor

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