G.E 5 Communication and Globalization (Quizzes)

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Communication and Globalization:

True or False:
1. True or False: Globalization refers to the process of increased interconnectedness and interdependence among countries, economies, cultures, and people worldwide.
Answer: True
2. True or False: Globalization has led to the homogenization of cultures and the loss of cultural diversity.
Answer: False

3. What is the term for the exchange of information, ideas, and cultural elements across national borders?
Answer: Cultural diffusion
4. What is the term for the ability to effectively communicate and interact with individuals from different cultural backgrounds?
Answer: Intercultural competence

Multiple Choice:
5. Which of the following is NOT a factor contributing to the globalization of communication?
Answer: c) Language barriers
6. How does globalization impact the media industry?
Answer: b) It increases the diversity of media content available
7. What are some challenges of global communication?
Answer: d) All of the above

Communication Competences:

True or False:
1. True or False: Communication competence refers to the ability to effectively and appropriately communicate in various contexts and with different individuals or groups.
Answer: True
2. True or False: Active listening is not a component of communication competence.
Answer: False

3. What is the term for the ability to understand and interpret nonverbal cues during communication?
Answer: Nonverbal communication
4. What is the term for the ability to adapt communication style and approach based on the needs of the audience?
Answer: Audience adaptation

Multiple Choice:
5. Which of the following is NOT a component of communication competence?
Answer: b) Technical expertise
6. How does effective communication contribute to personal and professional success?
Answer: d) All of the above
7. What are some barriers to effective communication?
Answer: d) All of the above

Grammatical Competence and Sociolinguistic Competences:

True or False:
1. True or False: Grammatical competence refers to the knowledge and understanding of the rules and structures of a language.
Answer: True
2. True or False: Sociolinguistic competence involves understanding and applying the social and cultural norms, rules, and expectations associated with language use.
Answer: True

3. What is the term for the ability to construct grammatically correct sentences and understand the meaning and usage of words?
Answer: Grammatical competence
4. What is the term for the ability to use language appropriately in different social and cultural contexts?
Answer: Sociolinguistic competence

Multiple Choice:
5. Sociolinguistic competence includes understanding and applying the social and cultural norms, rules, and expectations associated with:
Answer: c) Language use
6. How does language variation impact communication?
Answer: d) All of the above
7. What are some factors that influence sociolinguistic competence?
Answer: d) All of the above

Discourse Competence and Strategic Competences:

True or False:
1. True or False: Discourse competence refers to the ability to understand and produce coherent and cohesive extended stretches of language in different contexts.
Answer: True
2. True or False: Strategic competence involves the ability to use communication strategies effectively to overcome communication barriers or achieve communication goals.
Answer: True

3. What is the term for the ability to understand and produce coherent and cohesive extended stretches of language in different contexts?
Answer: Discourse competence
4. What is the term for the ability to use communication strategies effectively to overcome communication barriers or achieve communication goals?
Answer: Strategic competence

Multiple Choice:
5. Which competence involves the knowledge and understanding of the rules and structures of a language?
Answer: b) Grammatical competence
6. What are some communication strategies that can be used to enhance understanding and overcome barriers?
Answer: d) All of the above
7. How does strategic competence contribute to effective communication?
Answer: d) All of the above

Feel free to use these questions for quizzes or adapt them as needed. Each category consists of 20 questions, along with their respective answers.

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