Ed 102 Questions

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1. ________ is the process of interaction and integration between people, business entities, governments, and cultures from other nations, driven by international trade and investment and supported by information technology.

A. Cultural Literacy
B. Glabalization
C. Multicultural Literacy

Answer: B

2. ________ is the knowledge and understanding of the life of a culture to the point where one can fluently participate in the activities of the said culture. This includes, but is not limited to, its languages, traditions, values, beliefs, forms of entertainment, and worldviews.

A. Cultural Literacy
B. Glabalization
C. Multicultural Literacy

Answer: A

3. _________ is the knowledge and skills necessary to ensure that any communication with a culture different from our own is clear, productive, and respectful such that their differences are celebrated and neither culture is demeaned or treated as inferior.

A. Cultural Literacy
B. Glabalization
C. Multicultural Literacy

Answer: C

Here are 30 questions on the topics of cultural literacy, globalization, and multicultural literacy, ranging from easy to difficult, with multiple-choice answers and explanations:

Easy Questions:

1. What is the process of interaction and integration between people, business entities, governments, and cultures from other nations?
a) Cultural Literacy
b) Globalization
c) Multicultural Literacy
Explanation: The correct answer is b) Globalization, which is the process of interaction and integration between people, business entities, governments, and cultures from other nations.

2. What is the knowledge and understanding of the life of a culture to the point where one can fluently participate in the activities of that culture?
a) Cultural Literacy
b) Globalization
c) Multicultural Literacy
Explanation: The correct answer is a) Cultural Literacy, which is the knowledge and understanding of the life of a culture to the point where one can fluently participate in the activities of that culture.

3. What is the knowledge and skills necessary to ensure clear, productive, and respectful communication with a culture different from our own?
a) Cultural Literacy
b) Globalization
c) Multicultural Literacy
Explanation: The correct answer is c) Multicultural Literacy, which is the knowledge and skills necessary to ensure clear, productive, and respectful communication with a culture different from our own.

4. What is the detailed knowledge about a culture that enables a person to work happily and effectively within it?
a) Cultural Literacy
b) Cultural Backgrounds
c) Cultural Relativism
Explanation: The correct answer is a) Cultural Literacy, which refers to the detailed knowledge about a culture that enables a person to work happily and effectively within it.

5. Which of the following is a key driver of globalization?
a) Increased trade barriers
b) Reduced transportation costs
c) Decreased migration
Explanation: The correct answer is b) Reduced transportation costs, which has been a significant driver of globalization by facilitating the movement of goods, services, and people across borders.

Moderate Questions:

6. Which of the following is a potential benefit of globalization?
a) Increased cultural homogenization
b) Reduced economic inequality
c) Improved environmental sustainability
Explanation: The correct answer is b) Reduced economic inequality, as globalization has the potential to lift people out of poverty and provide access to new economic opportunities.

7. What is the primary aim of multicultural literacy?
a) To promote cultural assimilation
b) To celebrate cultural differences
c) To establish a dominant cultural identity
Explanation: The correct answer is b) To celebrate cultural differences. Multicultural literacy aims to ensure that communication with a culture different from our own is clear, productive, and respectful, with the differences between cultures being celebrated.

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