Critique Paper (CNF)

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"Cafe Eufemia, an intimate and cozy cafe in Pardo"

The blog is all about Stan Cabigas visit to Cafe Eufemia in Pardo where he introduced various delicious coffee drinks such as: espresso for that serious coffee lover, raps and ice blended coffee and non-coffee based beverages, tea drinks, brewed coffee, and many more. He also added their other wide variety of good products with premium ingredients that both can be served in their relaxed open air cafe with a few seat of their patrons. Cafe Eufemia opened in July last year and is named after NN's Lola Emyang.

Based on his title and introduction, it will certainly capture your attention very quickly, something you may view when he said in his headline "An intimate and cozy cafe in Pardo, for all we know that Pardo is a very crowded place due to the over populated and a commercial area. His main focus in his blog is very clear; you can immediately understood his goal in his blog through supported pictures and written ideas.

The tone that he puts in his description is quite interesting. He uses persuasive words; it is something desirous to visit in my next travel list. I do observed in the first subtitle on his blog, creates interesting tone that can quickly capture the attention of his readers when he mentioned "First cafe in Pardo". Along with his tone, the language is doing good as well; he uses words that are easy and understandable, it is obvious that he has a lot of experience on this craft, that even if you are not very fond of coffee, you'll tempt to visit.

His format in his writing is quite remarkable. You can easily follow his progression in his narrative; from the reason why you need to go Cafe Eufemia to introducing their products. From the body of his blog, he introduces the advantage why Café Eufemia make desirous to visit by enumerating their remarkable premium products of Café Eufemia. I also like his stractural format when put pictures in his intro and underneath of his blog; it gain more attraction from his readers.

Yes, the structure of his writing is organized as well; no more fussy word, straight to the point of what he wants to get in his audience. He even put english translation on his interviewed with NN so he may gain extra attention and friendly environment site for native english speaker. The blog may short but it was dense information; he directly communicates the main goal to his target viewer with wise choice of words.

The grammar is understandable, since his main goal is not just to show how cozy and intimate Café Eufemia but also to put active conversational style while you were reading. Although there are some parts in his writing is grammarly cliché, over all he delivered his message clearly. This makes his blog unique that made him known in the international scenes of blogging.   

The extras is well arranged to make additional attractiveness in his site. You may easily access and share this information by providing some link in the sidebar. I highly appreciate these additional features since one of the goals of this blog is to promote local and may gain additional subscriber; extras will help you done this thing. However, one thing that I would love to see in his widgets is the hyperlinks that connect to the main site of the the products such as the official facebook account of Cafe Eufemia that users may directly inquire and know more of their recent activities and products.

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