Chapter 3

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We found ourselves in the Teacher's Office with Jungkook, sitting outside on plush and comfy couches that all students were dreaming to have in the classrooms while waiting very patiently for Teacher Nam to "complete some work", as she'd put it. After all, Kyung Ah was in no hurry to be given a horrible scolding.

The whole time, it was pretty awkward, the bully just sitting right next to you. We didn't talk at all. Kyung Ah's face was pale the whole time, and I guessed she must have only realized the seriousness of her actions then.

"Just take a deep breath, Kyung Ah. Whatever punishment Teacher Nam gives you, you'll still live, won't you?" I reassured her, stroking her back gently. Kyung Ah nodded but didn't looked any better.

"Just that, I don't know how my parents will react. Teacher Nam will definitely inform them about what I did, and they are so strict and everything..." Kyung Ah sighed, her eyebrows slanting downwards. I desperately wanted to help her, but what could I do except for sticking her up?

Jungkook managed a smirk beside me. "Now you know, Kyung Ah. If I didn't complain to Teacher Nam, maybe you won't even understand how intolerable your actions are."

This time, I had no words to talk back at him. Yes, what he said was true. Kyung Ah might be my friend, but I couldn't just let her get away with such a serious wrongdoing just because of our friendship.

However, I still had to say something to give Kyung Ah some support. "Jeon Jungkook, you are always the extra, always trying to be the Mr. Smarty Pants."

Jungkook crossed his legs and shifted his position to lay back. "But Chaewon, I am smarter than you, aren't I?" He stared at me with a self-satisfied look. I didn't reply, not even bothering to so much as glance at him.

We'd been waiting for so long, lunch time must have ended already. Kyung Ah noticed me searching the Teacher's Office for clocks and said miserably, "Lunch time ended way before already."

The white frosted glass door swung open, revealing Teacher Nam standing at the doorway, her face in a permanent scowl as she always wore. "Kyung Ah, you may come in."

I patted her back for moral support. She turned her head to look at me, but I shook my head. "I don't think I can go with you, can I, Teacher Nam?" I looked at Teacher Nam's harsh expression, and immediately knew the answer even without her opening her mouth.

Kyung Ah gave me one last terrified look before Teacher Nam shut the door behind her. "So there you go," Jungkook said smugly, walking over to me leisurely. "I told you you're in real trouble, and it's almost always true."

I was sick of this guy. "Whatever. This time round, I admit defeat. How's that with you?"

Jungkook smiled conceitedly and whispered in my ear, "I'll let you go this time, but next time, I won't just accept your defeat like that." I could swear he was smiling like an idiot as he leaned back and strolled out of the Teacher's Office.

My hands curled into balls. Just the mere look of his back made me have anger management issues and the sudden urge to smack him upside the head. You know those annoying people who always gave out an aura of irritation that you couldn't stand? Jungkook was definitely one of them, perhaps even worse.

I sank back into the soft couch, tilting my head back and closing my eyes. The second week of school had been slightly better than the first, at least so far on Monday, but who knew what the future holds? Tomorrow might consist of Jungkook turning into a total psychopath, or Teacher Nam holding a spank the whole time in class. I mean, you wouldn't know!

Those times in Gwangju High School, what good times they were! I had tons of friends, and I was amongst the best student in class. You could almost call me the kingka I guess. The future was always uncertain. I'd blamed my father for being unfair to me when he had to make me come along too. Why can't I just stay with omma in Busan, appa? I'd asked angrily. We had a heated argument over that for almost half an hour. Of course, my father won. He always did. He was very sneaky, always having tricks hidden under his sleeve that no one would know.

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