Chapter 39

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Changmin: Chaewon, I've heard some strange stuff from school. Please tell me it's not true.

Even online, I could hear the desperation in his voice, like someone begging to be spared.

My fingers trembling, I typed back:

What stuff? What do you mean?

In the meantime, I'd have to play dumb and pretend I was clueless until we had a better chance to talk about it. Online wasn't a great place to talk about something like this. You wouldn't know what the person on the other line was feeling. Heck, I might belaughing my head off now, and Changmin wouldn't even know.

Changmin: You know what it is. You know very well. Stop playing dumb. I hate it when people do that to me.

The fact that I could picture every detail of Changmin's face as we were having this conversation wasn't reassuring. I knew how his face would contort in horror as he tried to wrap his mind around this mind-blowing piece of information, how it would feel to have been betrayed by someone you thought the love was mutual...

Yes, I loved him, he loved me, but maybe this wasn't love. We were too young for love. To me, anyway.

Maybe I am a traitor. I couldn't just do stuff with someone else if I already had a lover. How wrong would it sound? But I didn't know what was wrong with my brain yesterday.

The thought of it was enough to make my head hurt. Just let it be for the moment, Chaewon. Changmin might not love you anymore, but it isn't the end of the world yet...

 Me: I really don't know what you're talking about. When are you coming back? We can talk in person, face to face.


Jungkook acted perfectly normal the next day, as if nothing happened yesterday, or it didn't concern him at all. If he was even exhilarated by what we did or guilty for stealing me from Changmin, he didn't show it at all.

It was a bit too normal, it was beginning to get on my nerves. Shouldering my backpack, I jingled the keys of my locker and stuck it inside the keyhole, twisting it and unlocking it.

The books were arranged haphazardly inside, and it made the interior resemble a junk yard. Rummaging through the books, I carefully procured the books I needed for the day, and unzipped my bag to stuff them inside.

Everything was going about normally during morning self study. But when I entered the classroom, where almost half of the class had already turned up and were busy flipping through notes, someone's cold gaze caught my eye.

Changmin was giving me a bitter look. I tried to reason with my eyes, begging for him to listen to the whole story, but he averted his gaze. After a few more attempts to catch his attention, I sat down in a huff, dejectedly and frustrated.

"Aish," I sighed. The first exam, Korean language, was today. I'd studied and revised late into the night yesterday, sleeping only at one in the morning. I could tell Changmin had probably done even more for revision, because the pouches under his eyes were more visible than ever, and the dark circles, too.

I was about to walk towards him to ask him why he was absent for almost a week straight, but I thought I already knew the answer... But still, that was quite a droll reason to stay at home and sulk about it.

Teacher Do walked into the class, carrying a small rectangular basket full of paper; probably our exam papers. "Alright class, please put your bags outside and come back here. I'll also give you five minutes to go to the toilet if you need."

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