Chapter 32

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Changmin slammed his fist onto the table. "You're Chaewon's blind date?" The question was directed at Jungkook.

Looking wildly around, I hissed, "Changmin, you shouldn't have done that! You know that actions displaying violence shouldn't be seen in school, right?"

He chose to ignore me, still glaring furiously at Jungkook. I decided I should step in to ease the fight before an argument broke out between them, which would be ugly.

"Changmin, stop it. There's nothing fishy going on between Jungkook and me. He may be my blind date — Allow me to say a few insulting words, Jungkook — but I have no feelings for him, okay? So knock it off."

Jungkook looked hurt, but I didn't have time to register it. Changmin stroked his chin thoughtfully, and finally decided that what I was saying was the truth. Sitting back in relaxation, he nodded. "Alright, alright, sorry for that." But he didn't look very sorry.


"Jungkook, what?" I demanded for the umpteenth time. Jungkook had just pulled me away to a deserted spot beside the canteen after I ended the conversation without an explanation.

Jungkook pressed a finger to his lips. "I just want to ask something," he said, glancing around.

I stamped my feet. "Jungkook, you know the school rule states we can't be found in any part of the school with someone of the opposite gender in a suspicious situation," I recited from the school rules, giving him an austere look.

Scoffing, he retorted, "You think I don't know that? Also, this isn't a suspicious situation. Now, I just want to ask about what Changmin said. 'My girlfriend', huh?"

I wanted to remind him that being found here, behind the stairwell near the canteen, when we were supposed to be in class already, was considered suspicious. And the fact that he was standing so close to me wasn't helping matters if someone spotted us. Preferably not a staff or teacher.

Rolling my eyes, I answered, "Jungkook, you know that being on a blind date doesn't necessarily mean you should love that person, right? That's why it's called a blind date. You don't know who it is. That's why blind dates almost never work out, and that's why the practice is so rare nowadays."

Jungkook gave me a glare, his gaze unfocused. "Don't get me started on the definition of a blind date, Chaewon. I'm not some uneducated kindergartener. I know what it means."

"But you are acting like one now, Jeon Jungkook. Stop with this drama," I commanded, glaring at him, too.

Jungkook wasn't someone who backed down so easily. I seemed to have sparked some parts of his old personality.

"Chaewon, you don't know..." He turned his head over the side of the wall. "There's barely five minutes left, we should go." Before waiting for me, he swept off through the canteen.

Muttering grumpily to myself, I followed him along, jogging to keep up.

We weren't late, thank goodness. Two days in a row was quit extreme.

"Chaewon?" Jungkook turned back to me in his seat as I was taking out books from under my table. "Remember that our second date is tomorrow."


"How kind of him to give me such a reminder!" I complained, slouching my way back to the jjimjilbang.

Kyung Ah shrugged helplessly, an elbow on my shoulder.

Yongmin was no where to be seen; a good thing. I didn't want to go home with him anymore. It sounded a little mean, but I didn't know why...

I hoped my father had updated Mr. Jeon about our current location. It might be troublesome for them to double back. But if Jungkook knew about the divorce, what would he think about our family? That it was on the brink — if not already — of corruption?

The bus jerked to a sudden halt, causing me to jolt forward in my seat, banging my head painfully into the railing. Grimacing, I rubbed the spot, glaring at the culprit (which was the railing and didn't do a good job of acting guilty).

The doors swung open, and a few passengers filed out. I craned my head and took a look outside the window opposite me, which was obstructed by a few other commuters' heads.

The familiar dome-shaped building... "Hang on! It's my stop!" I yelped, leaping down from the seat and startling the few passengers using their phone beside me. "Jamsimanyo (Excuse me)," I muttered under my breath, jostling my way through the people. They cast me looks of irritation, but I managed to squeeze myself to the door and tap my card before the doors closed.


Saturday. Another horrible day for me. Well, not exactly extremely horrible, but bad enough to be considered horrible.

Jungkook and his father turned up at our door just as I was brushing my teeth. My 

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