Chapter 45

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"Boy, was that exhausting," I complained, squeezing my thighs. We'd just caught the last bus to Seoraksan National Park. The run for it wasn't exactly relishing because I didn't like running and anything related to sports (Jungkook had a blast, though).

Jungkook squeezed my hand. "That was daebak. And maybe if you hadn't taken your time to shop for your stuff, we'd be done already and been sitting here for ages."

Giving him a seriously look, I pointed out, "That's because you like sports so much! And what would we eat on the five hour bus ride?"

He whistled, apparently not intent on admitting defeat. "We just ate on the plane, I wouldn't need another meal."

Snorting, I said with a dry smile, "Alright, if you say so, let's see later if you turn back on your word."

The bus driver pressed a button on the controls beside the steering wheel in front of him, and the doors slid shut. The bus engine came to life with a kick, and we were on our way.

I had nothing interesting to do on my phone, and the battery was running out too, so I supported my chin with my arm and stared out the window, watching as we entered the highway, the cityscape of Seoul gradually reducing to the countryside. Small, isolated houses dotted the plain and open field.

Unconsciously, I'd spent an hour looking out the window. They weren't many people on the bus other than a few more families, all tired and worn out from their journey and was falling asleep, their head lolling sideways and to and fro to the jerking of the bus.

Jungkook wasn't looking sleepy. Instead, he looked wide awake, eyes glinting with a light.

"Ya, you excited for it?" I said, nudging his side gently. Jungkook nodded. I could already sense his enthusiasm bubbling up in him like soup.

I nodded, trying to keep my face poker. I didn't want him to know about my thoughts of him, at least not yet.

"I'm just going to take a small nap. Wake me up when we're reaching, will you?" I patted his leg and leaned my head onto his shoulder. Jungkook didn't object or shift his position in an uncomfortable manner, so I figured he was cool with me.


Talk about the worst possible reason to wake me up so thoughtlessly while I was having my beauty sleep!

"Mianhe, but I'm hungry," Jungkook said with a sheepish look. "I can't find the food you bought. Gosh, your bag's a mess."

I perked up when he mentioned my bag. "Ya, don't rummage through it like it's your own!" I protested, grabbing it from his lap. "It's a mess because of how reckless you are."

Jungkook watched me as I showed him how it's done. "Just gently pile through the stuff and not dig through it like a dog." I scowled at the tangled mess of clothes, daily essentials and plastic bags inside.

I took out a cup of instant ramyeon. Jungkook took it gratefully, and cautiously peeled off the cover, careful not to let the contents spill out.

I poured some hot water from my thermal flask into the cup. Jungkook winced. "It's hot," he complained, shaking his hand in the air while holding the cup by its top and bottom with the other.

Giving him a helpless smile, I snapped the lid of the flask shut. "I mean, you have to sacrifice something for food," I said, trying to act wise and smart.

A few minutes later, we were slurping on instant ramyeon while the bus tilted and jerked precariously. A few times, soup almost sloshed out from the cup, but we managed. The process wasn't exactly ideal, but at least we could fill our tummies, which was all that we cared about at the moment.

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