Chapter 18

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My father wasn't home during dinner, so it was much more relaxed.

My mother and I had a nice old chat at dinner about school and some other topics, which seriously bored me out, but for the sake of being nice and respectful, I kept quiet.

"Has anyone been bullying you or sorts, Chaewon?" my mother asked, watching me stuff a spoonful of rice into my mouth as a meal starter.

I wanted to scream, why couldn't she have asked me about it earlier? When that was still true? Maybe then my life wouldn't be as miserable as how it was. "Aniyo, school life is okay for me," I lied.

We ate in silence. Our house was huge, much bigger than your average apartment, but the luxurious living room seemed small and lonely now.

My parents had told me that my grandparents were coming over to stay during the winter holidays. I wasn't excited, but it was always better to have some sort of entertainment in the house (Although my grandparents probably wouldn't appreciate the stuff that my father occasionally watched on TV, but other than that they were cool).

"Ah yes, also..." My mother pulled out her phone, putting down her chopsticks on her bowl. "I have received news from the court that our divorce was appealed. I have sent your father the information too."

She didn't seem very different when she broke the news. I wondered what we'd do once the divorce was actually carried out. I'd made up my mind ages ago that I was following my mother. It seemed appropriate to do so.

There was no way I'd be staying in this house with my father. I wasn't sure what he'd do, but whatever his choice, staying under this roof was a total nah. I couldn't possibly imagine my entire life with that man.

But if we moved out, we'd have to try to find a new house to live in. There was no way we'd become homeless rough sleepers. The idea sounded absurd.

Swallowing my food, I gave my mother a small nod. I felt less thrilled than what I thought I'd be. You know when you were told that something was about to happen when you already know it, sometimes it'd be less exciting?

I wouldn't like having a surprise though. For this situation? Nope.

"Father must really like it," I blurted out, then immediately regretted saying it. My mother's face turned pale, like she'd seen a ghost, then it went as red as a tomato.

I know I'd hit a sore spot. She didn't have much liking towards my father too, but she wasn't a fan of the idea of divorce too. The whole process would be really messy, being present in court and all.

Our family had been corrupted in terms of relationship for quite some time, probably about a few years, but I wouldn't have imagined that it would end up like this. A divorce, you say?

Stop thinking about it, Chaewon. It was already decided and you'd also agreed, so why are you regretting your choices now?

I know my brain was right, and regretting was meaningless. What was done was done. I should focus more on my future. It's the only thing I can change.

My mother sighed, but made no comment. I felt guilty for making her dread something more.

She couldn't have been dreading about the divorce. Linking my earlier thoughts to those now, I deduced that she might have been worrying about what would be her fate once she and my father were officially not husband and wife anymore.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, omma," I said, my heart sinking. Getting up from my seat, I went up behind my mother and hugged her tightly. "I know you're in distress now, but you've got me, okay?"

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