Chapter 43

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"Ah, anneong, Mr. Jeon," I stammered, bowing stiffly. My position wasn't the least flattering.

Mr. Jeon looked no different than how he was in public. With a flannel red sweater and dark blue trousers, he looked almost too presentable. His way of dressing reminded me too much of my father.

Kicking his slippers as he entered, Mr. Jeon returned the gesture. "Yes, what a surprise to meet you here, Chaewon. I suppose Jungkook brought you here?"

Jungkook stood protectively in front of me, planting both his feet hard on the ground until two loud bangs could be heard. "Father, if you're going to criticize Chaewon for being here without seeking your permission, scold me instead. I gave her the idea, and persuaded her to come."

Mr. Jeon gave me a look, like, Can you believe this kid? "Oh, Jungkook, you silly child, who said I was going to criticize Chaewon for being here? In fact, I am more than happy to have a guest! It has been ages since one showed up."

Scratching my head, I nodded. "Er—it must be lonely here without a guest. I'm happy to be here too," I said carefully, trying to put myself in his shoes.

"Absolutely. I am glad you understand me so well. You do know how miserable it is, living my life like a recluse. You are always welcome in the Jeon family mansion, Chaewon."

I gave him a false smile. Jungkook narrowed his eyes at me, and I took back my smile. His eyes seemed to give the message: Stop it with the act or you know what I can do.

There was a crushing sound of something, and I realized that Jungkook was crushing the list of foul words to describe his family. Mr. Jeon took notice of it, and snatched it over. Jungkook didn't put much of a defence. I thought he might be afraid of his father, too, despite the frequent bad-mouthing.

Mr. Jeon's brows knitted tight together as he mouthed the words out. Then he rolled it up into a ball and chucked it backwards without another glance. "What lies, Jeon Jungkook. Did I raise you up to be against your parents like that? Even if you had those thoughts, the least you could do was to keep them to yourself, right? Do you want Chaewon to think badly about our family?"

The end of Jungkook's mouth twitched. "I want Chaewon to know the truth of our family, father. Every single friend of yours think our family is so poised and superior and all, but that's because all you do is suck up to them like a vain little girl. And no, father, Chaewon won't ever think badly about our family, because she has to cooperate with all your silly acts, because she's coerced into doing so and didn't have the heart to outrightly reject it."

The veins on Mr. Jeon's neck bulged. I wondered how times they'd have a row like this, and how many times Jungkook had to repeat himself. I never knew he'd be living in such a cruel environment just like me, too. After all, you can't judge a book by it's cover. "Jeon Jungkook, do you know what you are saying and who you are saying those to? I am the man who brought you up since the day you were born! How can you not be filial?"

The door burst open once more, a maid inching in. "Is everything okay, sir? I heard shouting from outside."

Mr. Jeon waved her away, fixing his eyes on Jungkook. They were about the same height, which somewhat levelled them out.

I knew I ought to do something about it, or things might escalate. My mind working, I mediated, "Please calm down. Jungkook, stop with the argument. Your father cares for you. Just cooperate with him for once," I pleaded.

Jungkook's eyes looked like they might pop out from glaring so intently. "Whatever. I'll just let it go for now." He said it like he meant it to be a warning for his father, but Mr. Jeon, if even intimidated at all, didn't show it.

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