Chapter 44

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How wrong I was in saying our destination wouldn't be Seoraksan National Park.

My words rang in my ears as I boarded the flight with Jungkook, each of us armed with a large duffel bag and backpack, except that Jungkook had an extra blue luggage, which his father insisted he brought it along. I was all ready to shoulder the blame, but Jungkook didn't accuse me of my words.

Giving him another cautious glance, I passed the duffel bag from my left hand to my right, jostled along by the people boarding the plane.

A friendly-looking flight attendant in a red and black pencil dress, black stockings, heels a crimson red hat and scarf greeted us with a bow, ushering us further into the cabin. I turned back to make sure Jungkook was following before I continued further, clutching my passport and flight ticket in my free hand.

We found ours seats somewhere in the business class compartment at the front. The pros of being in business class were the wide foot space and small TV screen with interesting K dramas to watch, complete with curtains for privacy.

Jungkook and I heaved our duffel bags onto the overhead compartment and ducked under the curtains into the small space. Crashing onto the seats, we sat there to catch our breath before buckling our seatbelts.

We set our phones to aeroplane mode an turned them off. The announcement speech came through the loudspeakers, the muffled voice of the stewardess rambling on and on about the seatbelt and smoke indicators, the lavatory at the end of the flight, how to use oxygen masks if they drop from the ceiling during an emergency...

The screen flickered to life in front of us. A tutorial on how to put on oxygen masks and life jacket started playing. I'd been always intrigued in these things (and my age was also not an exception to me), so I watched attentively while Jungkook dozed off.

It was cute to see him sleep since our relationship wasn't exactly fluff, his head lolling sideways with the steady motion of the plane. The floor rumbled under our feet as the plane started running on the runway before taking flight. The momentum pushed our backs backwards. Everything was literally slanting to the right.

Somehow, even after the numerous times I'd been on a flight, it always fascinates me. I wondered if I'd be like that too when I become an adult, or if I'd be those typical adults, so ignorant of all theses around them. Funny how grown-up minds work, full of their busy schedules and nothing that made sense to me.

I found myself slipping off to dreamland, too, the whirring of the plane engines lulling me off to sleep.


"Hurry, Chaewon, you're going to be late for your flight!" my mother rushed, calling back from over her shoulder where I was still getting out from the cab we'd flagged to the airport.

"Yes, yes, I'm coming." I swung my bag over my shoulders, slamming the car door and jogging to catch up. I must have looked hilarious, because of my oversized polar jacket and the pants. I wasn't in my best shape at the moment, but sometimes you shouldn't always live for the sake of pleasing others. Just be yourself, I suppose.

The sliding doors parted, and a warm gust of air greeted us. My mother fetched a luggage trolley lined up neatly at the side, and towed the duffel bag onto it. I dropped it carelessly onto the duffel bag, and proceeded to push on the handle to get it moving.

Mr. Jeon was sitting on a seat with the air of someone important, glancing at his watch. I took a glance at the time on my phone.

It's not even that late, I thought. Why did adults have to have such a hustle life?

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