Chapter 23

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The English tuition was today.

Yesterday which was the day of the blind date had turned out better than what I'd expected, which was something good. For once, my life could finally come together. The years of living with my nasty father was getting to my head. I couldn't bear his mere presence anymore.

My parents still went about their daily business, as if they weren't a divorced couple. No one made a second comment about the divorce after the day itself passed.

It was somewhat gratifying. You wouldn't appreciate someone who'd remind you every five seconds about something you didn't like. I'd probably give the person a good old smack upside the head the third time he mentioned about it.

But there was still one thing I was uncertain about. Remember Lisa? The American woman who stole my father's heart? The woman who made a huge fuss over my father's debonair and my lake of fashion sense? The woman who was- Never mind that.

Back to the main point. Yes, her. She'd told me while I was dress fitting that after my father divorced, she was going to marry my father. Which meant my father was going to remarry. I know, the whole idea wasn't that disgusting for me to start retching. But think about it. If Lisa and my father had planned beforehand what was going to happen, that meant my father had been in an affair with Lisa already. Before the divorce was even carried out in court.

Yes, you'd probably find this revolting and might be throwing up in the toilet now. I'd only linked the two events together now. I couldn't believe my mind would even be away from this topic. Even though it was something that only concerned Lisa and my father (and partly my mother too, since she was the one my father had dumped), I felt bad to have forgotten about it.

I felt bad for my mother. I could already visualize how her face would fall, how her emotions would... I didn't want to think about it.

Suddenly, maybe today wasn't going to be that great. My father or whatever was connected to him always spoiled the mood. He should stop his business and become a full-time discourager or something. Maybe it would be even more successful than his business.

My mother's nerves weren't known to be that strong. Especially after that argument with my father about the divorce more than a month ago. It was somewhere near the end of September. I shudder to think what she'd do if she knew about this.

I know keeping it away from her was the practical thing to do, but the longer I kept it a secret, the more violent her reaction would be. Imagine not letting someone know something that was relevant to themselves for more than half a month. Eventually she'd know, one way or the other, and eventually I'd have to spill the beans too, hopefully before she found out herself.

There was nothing I could do now. Maybe I could let the cat out of the bag once we'd settled down for a new life, free from anymore Byeongcheols. Maybe my mother might be more optimistic after that.

The complications in my life as of now would be enough to fulfill the average person's whole life. Now you see how messed up it was.


The first lesson was almost the one to look forward to, but I felt cheerless.

I mean, tuition wasn't something that the average student might like, but I guess Korea was different. In a country where students only slept three hours a day and even that was considered a lot, you could probably get an idea of what most students' hobbies were.

I arrived at the tuition center in the mall with ten minutes to spare. Since I was overly afraid that I might be late (even though there was a low chance), whenever I had to go for something new, I usually leave my house early.

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