Chapter 27

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I bit my lip nervously.

Changmin was no where to be seen amidst the peak hour shoppers. People hustled past me, like they were in a rush to get to where ever they needed to go.

The mall was boisterous and jam-packed. Blame it on Changmin for him to choose such a terrible time for a hang out in the mall.

Kyung Ah was quite upset when I hadn't invited her to the hang out too after school, but I told her it was something private between Changmin and me, and she started to goggle at me, a mad smile on her face.

"Are you two dating or something?" she'd asked in a hushed voice, adding to the extra creepiness. I'd denied it, but maybe something about my expression didn't quite convince her.

I'd made her swear not to let the cat out of the bag, especially not in Changmin's presence, or he'd think I was a freak and possibly shun me like those mean girls in my class.

A toddler waddled past me, his finger between his toothless mouth. Drool was slowly making its way down his chin. Giving me those adorable puppy eyes, he smiled widely and said, "Goo?"

"Goo?" I said too, bending down to pat his tiny, watermelon shaped head. He flapped his hands up and down in joy, laughing cutely. "Goo!"

Then I saw a shadow over us, and I looked up.

Changmin was standing over me, his face flushed. Tucking a strand of his bangs back into his mushroom shaped haircut, he adjusted his round glasses and waved shyly to me.

I straightened up, sending the baby on his way back to his omma. "H- Hi," Changmin said, looking at his feet.

He was wearing something unusual today, a mixture of denim jeans and loose winter coat. His denim jeans were fine, but the winter coat seemed to provide minimal protection from the harsh weather.

"Are you okay? You seem to be freezing," I said, noticing the way his teeth was chattering. Changmin shook his head.

"We're here for a movie, right? Then come on, let's head to the cinema." He dodged the question, walking past me in the direction of the cinema.

The cinema was almost deserted because of the weekdays. We purchased our tickets for a love story show because it was the only one that struck me as interesting, not because of anything else (don't get the wrong idea)mand bought bubble tea to drink while waiting.

"Have you been on a blind date before?" Before I knew it, the question was already out of my mouth. I didn't want to make it sound like it wasn't supposed to be blurted out, so I feigned ignorance.

Changmin shrugged, standing in a casual stance, sucking in some pearls from his straw. "Definitely not! Why would anyone even go on blind dates in this era? It's 2014!"

I nodded, but my expression must have been wistful, because he cleared his throat and asked, "Have you? You sound like you have." He laughed nervously and fell silent.

No point hiding, I suppose. "As a matter of fact, I have."

Changmin wisely chose not to press on, because I'd be torn between my decisions if I had to relive it again. The experience hadn't been exactly horrifying, but still, I'd well put it off my mind, and definitely did not have the intention of wallowing on it again.


We navigated through the hall, trying our best to see through the dim lights which was our only guide. Row G, seat number 5 and 6...

There wasn't much people. I wasn't a fan of crowded places, so I was relieved.

The large screen was now playing an ad about a toothbrush, but I didn't take in anything it said. Ads were annoying; most people would agree with me.

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