Chapter 11

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The big day of the rolled over. I found myself refusing to rise and shine when it was already eleven in the morning.

Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I drew the curtains and opened the windows. A cold wind immediately blew, and I shivered, wrapping the sheets tighter and closer around me, and didn't move until I warmed up myself before climbing out of bed.

The weather forecast read that today's temperature had significantly decreased to eleven degrees Celsius. No wonder it was so chilly. My PJs were too thin to block the cold.

Changing into a woollen sweater and thick trousers, I got out of my room and took the stairs to the living room. My mother was already clearing the dishes on the table, and my father was watching the morning news on the television.

"...Some parts of South Korea like Daegu and Seoul had already started snowing lightly. It is advisable to wear..."

I shut out the rest of the news. I wasn't the type to enjoy watching the news on TV for half an hour straight. There was no way I could sit still without wanting to yawn, fidget, or stretch myself.

"Morning, omma," I said, yawning and covering my mouth somewhat with my hand, stretching while following my mother who was carrying a pile of dishes into the kitchen.

Giving me a smile, she returned the greeting. "Had a good sleep, Chaewon? I couldn't bear to wake you up after seeing you sleep that deeply. I haven't seen you sleep like that since transferring to Busan Dong." She gave a long, hard stare at my father, who was still watching the news silently.

You'd probably be wondering why I wasn't going to school on a Thursday. The good news was, it was a school holiday today. Something about a teachers' meeting? Whatever the case, it was one of the infrequent times when the students could take a break from the stressful studying.

My father entered the kitchen, ducking underneath the drapes at the door to prevent his head from getting caught in it. One trait I'd inherited from him was his height (He was 180cm), which gave me quite some advantage in class, since I sat somewhere near the back of the classroom.

Filling his mug with hot water, he reminded, "Chaewon, just a reminder that you are to wait in my car at six thirty in the evening, araseo? I certainly do not want to be late on such a special occasion."

My mother turned back to scrubbing the dishes with a sponge, but I detected an eye roll from her. I suppressed the urge to do so myself, but I know my father wouldn't be pleased.

I nodded. "I wouldn't forget such an important event, abeoji."


My phone alarm (which I'd set at ten minutes past six) woke me up from my short nap.

I was so exhausted from my daily exercise that day that I promptly crashed onto my bed when I came home and set an alarm on my phone to wake me up. In no time, I'd fallen into Dreamland.

My green dress was on my bed when I opened my eyes, hot and freshly ironed. I knew it was definitely my lovable mother who did the job, and I felt thankful that she wasn't similar to my father. The already destroyed family relationship didn't need another Byeongcheol clone with the same attitude.

I took a look at myself in the mirror. I didn't have a flair at doing makeup, so I called my mother up to help me and also with my hair. First she applied some base powder on my face with a large and ticklish brush, causing me to giggle.

"It's so ticklish." I ducked my head away.

Ten minutes later, my mother declared the work done. I inspected myself in the mirror and thanked my mother for her generous help.

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