Chapter 5

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Much to my surprise when I got home that day at night after my yaja, my parents were both seated opposite each other at the dining table, a solemn look on both of their faces. I got a feeling that they were waiting for me to discuss something serious, and possibly bad, too.

"Chaewon," my father said coldly as I closed the door behind me. His leering voice made me feel like he was imprisoning me in the living room.

My mother's eyes only showed a hint of warmth, otherwise, she looked as distant as my father.

"Appa, omma," I greeted them awkwardly as I look a few careful steps into the house, as if afraid that I might startle my parents.

My father nodded stiffly and patted the chair next to him. "Wash your hands and take a seat."

Turning on the tap, I placed my hands under the tap, feeling the ice cold water trickling down my hands and enjoying the sound of the water gushing out of the tap. Deliberately, I took my time in the toilet. I was in no hurry to be back in the gloomy atmosphere of the living room. My good mood in school had been completely spoilt.

Drying my hands on my blazer, I walked back into the living room. It was rather dim as only the lights of the chandelier were turned on. The other parts of the house was only slightly illuminated, the furniture casting eerie shadows around.

The clock struck ten thirty in the evening. The chime sounded, but my parents acted indifferently.

I took a seat beside my father, observing them cautiously. The only sounds were the noise of my chair scraping against the wooden floor.

The chirping of crickets could be heard outside. The pale moon hung high above. Sheets of blueish-black clouds drifted lazily in the dark night sky of Busan. Occasionally, a car sped past, but silence returned when the sound of wheels against the road died down.

My mother opened her mouth to speak. "Chaewon, dear, your father and I were talking things over just now, before you came back. The news might be sudden and astonishing to you, and we are very sorry, but we have decided-"

"I am not sorry, Inhye," my father cut her short. "I cannot stand it any further. If you are not grateful for my efforts, then so be it."

My mother looked like she was on the verge of tears. "At least let me tell our daughter about it, can't I?"

My father wrung his hands on the table, his face a mask. "Inhye, how many times have I said, she will no longer be my daughter anymore."

I looked at both of them. What did my father mean, I would not be his daughter anymore? Did they have a disagreement or something? "Omma, what's happening between you and appa?"

My mother didn't respond, burying her face in her hands. Her shoulders were heaving up and down, and I was fairly certain that she was crying. I also had a feeling it wasn't the first time today.

Giving her a dirty look, my father sneered, "Inhye, I thought you mentioned previously that you wanted to be strong for Chaewon's sake? But what are you doing now? Why are you showing signs of weakness?"

I could definitely tell my father was pushing his limits. My mother might be a kind-hearted person, but no matter how patient one was, there was definitely a limit to it. It was only a matter of how much one could withstand.

My mother didn't seem to have heard what he said. Anger bubbled up inside of me. How could a man be so disgusting towards his wife? "Appa, stop it! You're such a horrible husband to omma! Do you know how many times she was upset because of you?"

My chest was rising and falling, and I realized how extremely irritated I was at my father's behavior. If his role in the family was to be the one to put down everyone, why was he even here? I hated people who only made fun of others. I couldn't even relate Jeon Jungkook to someone like my father, though they shared similar characteristics of browbeating people.

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