Chapter 28

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I stopped in my tracks, staring at the ground. I turned.

Changmin should have been out of sight now, but instead, he stood unmoving at where we were seconds ago.

We locked eyes. I thought about waving one last time, but somehow I couldn't make to lift my hand.

Changmin started moving towards me, and I found myself inching slowly towards him, too. We stood face to face. I had to look up since he was taller than me by half a head.

I didn't know what happened next, but our heads were closing in, and the distance between us was barely a few inches. I could smell his cedarwood cologne, and his quick breaths were hot on my face.

Then we closed the remaining gap between our faces. We pressed our lips to each other, holding the gesture for a few more seconds, taking relish in the moment.

When I opened my eyes just a crack, Changmin's eyes were closed, a peaceful look on his face. I pulled away after a few more moments.

Not meeting his eyes, I looked away. "S- Sorry," I apologized, though for what I didn't know. I didn't seem to have done something wrong, but guilt lingered in my heart.

My conscience agreed with me. So why did I feel bad for what I did?

Maybe it was because of the blind date. Even though Jungkook and I weren't officially anything yet, it still felt wrong...

Hajima, Chaewon. You have absolutely no reason to feel ashamed. Who said you have to be with Jungkook just because you two were arranged for a blind date? Follow your heart, not what people expects you to be.

The thought somewhat soothed my nerves, but I still felt jittery as Changmin smiled at me. "You have nothing to be apologetic about, Chaewon. Nice being with you again." He gave me a small wink, and walked in the opposite direction.

I watched his retreating back, leaving only until his shadow disappeared into the dark.

As I was about to make my leave too from the plaza, a sudden swift movement beside me caught my eye. Jerking my head suddenly to my left, I was vaguely aware of the security camera above me, attached onto the lamp post beside me.

I could swear I'd caught sight of a man in a dark hooded suit and jeans between the barren bushes and the pillar. It'll be okay, no one's going to hurt you in public like that. With that thought, I hurried away, hands in my pockets.


Miraculously, I managed to find my way through the maze of a hotel to our suite.

I was about to tap the spare room card when I heard quiet sobbing sounds from the inside. The thrill from what happened between Changmin and I disappeared in a flash.

 Anxious thoughts filled my mind. What was happening? Is my mother inside? Is it her who's crying?

Contemplating if I should enter the suite or not, I paced outside for a while, straining my ears to have a clearer hearing of the repeated sounds. It was only that I heard the sound of wheels and dragging of slippers coming closer and closer, that I realized it was the cleaner, and I just about managed to fumble my card and bring it to the card detector before the cleaner appeared from view.

Giving her a swift bow, I opened the door and shut it quickly behind me, trying to clear my throat to mask the sobbing sounds from inside.

Once in the suite, whatever doubts that I had disappeared from my mind. It was confirmed: My mother was the one crying.

Tip-toeing to the bed where my mother was sitting, her form quivering, I tapped her shoulder. As she turned, I gasped.

Her face was a disaster, contorted in heartache. It was a shade of light red, with tears swiftly streaming down her cheeks. Tears were dripping down from her chin, drenching her jeans. There were numerous drops, but she didn't seem to notice or mind.

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