Chapter 36

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Me: I'm so sorry for whatever that happened that day. You know how my mother is ㅠㅠ

I'd sneaked my phone into the girls' toilet from my locker during lunch break for an apology to Changmin. Anyways, he deserved one. The poor boy had just been through my mother's worst personality yesterday.

I didn't know how I'd managed not to dread about the possible marriage, or have that sinking feeling in your stomach when you dislike something. Maybe it was because the idea was so absurd that I couldn't believe it might ever happen to me, or maybe there was still so much time left that my brain couldn't comprehend the seriousness of the situation yet.

Most of the time, I'd only be conscious of something bad that was about to happen to me until it was actually staring me in in the face already. That was a bad habit of mine, and it was almost too painful to face it last minute.

I'd wished for a mental preparation first. But at least I had one this time round.

Pocketing my phone so that no one would know I'd used it on the sly, I unlatched the door and stepped outside. From the cubicle beside me, there was the gushing sound of water of someone flushing the toilet. Then the door swung open again, revealing Kyung Ah at the doorway.

"Oh, Kyung Ah!" I gasped in surprise. Kyung Ah looked equally surprised to see me here.

Kyung Ah noticed the corner of my phone peeking out from my skirt pocket, and crossed her arms, feigning displeasure. "Chaewon, you know you are not supposed to use your phone during curriulum time, yes?" she mimed Teacher Nam scolding me.

I couldn't hold my laughter.

"Alright, alright, let's go and eat together," Kyung Ah suggested, patting me on the back.

"Aniyo, I'm not eating today," I said. "I'm not very hungry."

Kyung Ah raised an eyebrow but nodded in submission. "But come on, I'm famished."


Changmin: It's okay. But please don't tell me you're going to listen to her and start dating Jungkook?

My fingers hovered over the keypad on my phone screen. Sure, I could defy my mother's orders and do according to my own conscience, but surely, the results wouldn't be very preferable.

I'd promised myself that I'd listen to my mother after the divorce and moved out, but it seemed now was going to be an exception. Sometimes, obedience wasn't exactly a good thing. For me, anyway. I could be a good child and submit to my mother, but that wasn't to give me or Changmin any good.

Me: I don't know...

Then I quickly left the chat, unsure if I wanted to see his response or not. I didn't think I could face him with as much confidence ever again.

I'd done a good job of steering clear of trouble today (namely trying to avoid Changmin as much as possible), but tomorrow might be the day I'd have to face the burning question and give him an answer.

Deciding that I'd wait until tomorrow to conclude, I turned over and placed my phone onto the nightstand before tucking in the covers and closing my eyes. Sleep was probably going to take my mind off things for a while. Definitely not forever, but a while was quite enough for me to derive a conclusion when I woke up fresh next morning.


Strangely, I couldn't bring up the topic when I was sitting with Changmin and Kyung Ah.

Changmin looked terrified, with black circles under his eyes like he hadn't had a wink of sleep last night. Kyung Ah, on the other hand, was the direct opposite of him.

Anyone But Him | JJK ✔️ (Completed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon