Part 37

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"Wait what?" Jax said chocked and looked at me. I nodded. "He and Emma have been doing this behind my back for like months"  I said and Jax pulled his hair brought his hair. "Shit, I didn't expect that that little pice of shit was cheat on you" He said and I tried to smile back. 

"You're not sad aren't you?" He asked and I looked up. "No, Emma has never been there for me and I'm not in love with Sebastian anymore, I don't even know if I ever was" I said and Jax grinned. "His los, you're like way better than Emma. I mean look at her, pink hair?" He said and I knew he was trying to cheer me up. He said and opened his door to his apartment. 

"Yeah I know" I said and smiled. Jax grabbed the helmet from my hands and I mumbled thanks.  I looked around in Jax apartment when I entered. "You know what? We can give you're vampire show another try" He said and started the tv. I smiled big. "I knew you where going to like it!" I said and sat down closely to him. "No god no! There's just not anything else to watch" He said and grinned and I laughed. "Yeah sure" 

This time while watching the vampire diaries he actually watched the screen. I knew it wasn't his type of tv show but I appreciate that he gives it a chance just because I love it. "There's no way that she will stay with that blond guy, I mean look at his brother. She's dumb if she chooses the Stefan guy" He said and I looked at him. "No! Like look at Stefan. He's sweet and caring not as toxic as Damon" I said back and he grinned. And I felt like I just said something I could relate to. 

Sebastian was sweet and caring and Jax is quit the opposite if you compare them. But guess what? In this situation I actually think Jax is the better one for me. 

Jax laid he's hand over my shoulder and pulled me closer to him and I looked up. He slowly kissed my lips and I looked into his dark eyes. "Promise me that you will always be with me?" I mumbled and Jax smiled. "Always" He answered and kissed me again. 

After a while of making out he stood up and pulled me up by his hands. "You know what I'm hungry. We can order a pizza or something, if you want to" He said and smiled at me. I have never seen him like this. He normally always have a mean comment to say but todays he's different. 

"Yeah sure" I said and smiled back. Oh god I really love his smile, its the most beautiful smile I ever seen. And if you look closely you can see that he almost got dimples. 

"Shit" I said and turned around trying to find his biology book. "What?" He asked and gave me a confused look. "We have homework" I said and Jax just stared at me. "And?" He asked and I rolled my eyes. "And it's supposed to be done for tomorrow" I said and Jax sighted before giving me his biology book. "Paper and a pen?" I asked and he grinned and walked over to get a pen and a paper. 

We sat down at the table and he called for the pizza delivery. I opened the right page and stared at the molecules and different genes. He grinned bigger when he saw my confused face. "Okay so what are you supposed to do?" He asked and looked at me. "You're supposed to explain what all these words mean and why the different between them" I said and Jax looked at me before he grabbed my pen. "Ashley this is actually quite easy" He said and wrote down exactly what he was supposed to without any difficulties. 

It rang on the door and Jax stood up. I looked down at the paper in chock. Where the fuck did he learn all this? This is like super complicated. He came back with a big pizza box and put it in front of us. He grabbed one slice and looked at me. 

"How? You haven't even been at many lessons at all this last few weeks" I said and looked at him in chock. "Not you either?" He said back and I looked down at the paper again. 

"Jax you would fit as a great doctor, Or what do you think Dr Martinéz?" I said and smiled and he rolled his eyes and took a bit from the pizza slice. "You know what Mis Roberts...." He said and played along to what I just started. "Maybe I would fit as a doctor, but when I look at you the only thing I can imagine to be is a gynecologist" He said and grinned big. "That one wasn't even good" I said right before Jax's lips met met mine . 


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