Part 44

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When he parked his car in front of the big house I gasped. "You said it was like a cottage or something! This is huge...!" I turned around to look at him and he smiled and reacted for my hoodie. "Thanks" I mumbled and took it on before stepping out of the car. It was cold outside but not as cold as it was last year. Jax grabbed my bags from the luggage and looked at me. "Two bags?" He asked and I smiled. "Yeah I didn't know what we where really supposed to doo" I said and reached for my bags. "I will cary them" He said and smiled. 

I followed Jax into the big lake house and he opened the door for me. I stepped in. The house was huge and modern, but in the same way decorated to look a bit like cottage style  with wooden made furniture. "So this is the main bedroom" Jax said after walking upstairs and opening the door. The bedroom had a huge bed with a bed canopy and a door leading out to the balcony with a jacuzzi. "You must be kidding me right?!" I said and dropped looked around. "Is this your families house?" I asked and he nodded. "It belonged to my grandparents, but when they passed away my parents and aunt got it" He said and put the bags  in front of the bed. 

I walked up to him and he grabbed my hands before leaving a kiss on my forehead. "I already had plans for what we where supposed to do tonight" He said and grinned. "Oh no I already know what you're planing for" I said and blushed. "Yeah and I feel like skinny dipping is something we must do, you have never done it before. Let tonight be your first time" He said and his grin widened. "

"I will go and get towels" He said and walked out trough the door. I walked around in the room when my eyes spotted a picture of a young boy with a beautiful brunette woman and her husband. I could see on the eyes of the young boy that it was Jax. He looked so happy holding his dad hands. This must have been years before everything happened to his family. 

Jax threw a towel at me and I turned around. He wasn't wearing a shirt or pants but the towel was wrapped around his legs. "I'm waiting...strip of your clothes" He said and I blushed again. "Not when you're looking" I said and Jax turned around. "You know your naked body isn't something I haven't seen before" He said proudly and I could tell by his voice that he was grinning even bigger now. I did as he said and took off all of my clothes and wrapped my naked body into the towel. 

"Won't it be cold?" I asked Jax laughed. "It will be freezing" He said and showed me the way downstairs. "Why can't we just bath in the jacuzzi it feels soo much warmer?" I asked. "It's not as fun" He answered back and held the back door open for me. We walked down to the lake on a small short path and my feet where already cold. The small beach was lit up by some spotlights in the ground and walked closely behind Jax. He turned to look at me when our feet finally touched the sand. "Ladies first" he said and raised his hand at the lake. I hesitated for a second before I finally dropped my towel and walked out into the water. I cloud feel Jax's eyes staring at me but I tried to ignore him. "Are you coming?" I asked and turned around. Jax grinned and dropped his towel before walking out to me in the water. 

"Damn it's cold" Jax said whilee walking out to me. I smiled before diving down to soak my hair. I don't really know why but I can't go bathing without wetting my hair. Jax grabbed my by my arms and pushed me up from the water. I looked at him. "Oh fuck you're beautiful" He almost whispered under one breath. I looked deeply into his eyes. And then out lips met, it seemed like the world around us was fading away. The softens of his warm lips agains mine sent shivers down my spine. He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer as he deepened the kiss. Oh god I missed his lips, and it has only been two days since I saw him last!

I ran my fingers thought his hair, pulling him even closer and that's when I lost myself in the moment. Jax trailed his fingers up and down along my waist and I looked up at him. "I really want to believe that I am the one giving you goosebumps but its really cold so it could be the water too" He mumbled as he looked at me. "Its you Jax, its you" I whispered back and he smiled. It was a smile I never seen before, a smile I never want to lose, I could look at him like this for ages. "You know what? Lets go inside, I'm cold" He said and I smiled. 

As I took the first step indoors I cloud feel how cold I actually was. Jax walked upstairs to the toilet and I got grabbed a pair of panties and a t-shirt. I sat down at the bed and looked trough instagram on my phone. The first post that popped up was a picture of Sebastian and Emma. I looked at them, they actually look happy. "Fuck them" I mumbled and closed my phone right before Jax opened the bedroom door with a grin on his lips. "Look what I found!" He said and held up a package of condoms in the air with a big grin on his lips. 


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