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-• black •-

Black dominates. I like black. I want to be black.

It's simple. I'm obsessed with things that make me feel powerful. The darkness of the night, colors that camouflage me in the shadows, speed, control, time, money, Tara.

Tara makes me feel powerful. Not because she acts like a timid rabbit in front of me. That's power play between a prey and a predator. It's natural. It doesn't take much effort from my side. She makes me feel powerful in front of a predator, for she has him spinning on her finger, and she isn't even aware of it.

I'm envious of Yuvraaj Singh Chauhan.

He has everything I've always desired. He has power over knowledge, on money, and on people around him. He has an identity. I covet that. My impact has been dormant since the day I was born. I don't even know who my mother was. What she looked like. My existence has had a question mark since the beginning. But he knows all, he's aware of everything, people bow to him, respect him, fear him, are jealous of him, and I'm one of millions in them.

That's what gets on my nerves.

He can cast me aside the next second and I'll be left whimpering like an abandoned puppy.

The thought is aggravating. It bites my skin, slithers past the surface and burrows itself in my head.

I can't have that. I can't have him forgetting me after he gets what he wants. I want everything he has. I want the Rajawat empire to myself. I know for a fact he'll get rid of that incompetent Virendra Pratap in no time after he has the thorn named Chairman out of his skin. He has my tomorrow in the palm of his hands, he can decide whether to keep me around or discard me in the end. I can't let him have that power over me for long.

And for that, I need to have his weakness in the palm of my hands.

My eyes slide back to Tara's bright blue ones. There's so much optimism in them, it's gross. Hopes are empty. It's like walking with your eyes closed and trusting the road to take you to the destiny. Life doesn't work that way. You can't trust the process. I go by plans, strategies, politics. I understand why her brothers are so protective about her. She's seventeen but dumb, both academically and emotionally. Too trustworthy, too honest and too kind. If she was a flower, she'd be a sunflower. A blind follower of everyone she adores and trusts.

She reminds me of smiles, laughs, memories, hope, everything that I never had, never want, would never ask for. Her presence is suffocating because she steals the attention with her vibrant attitude. I abhor people like her. People who believe in living the life rather than planning it. People like her get betrayed easily, are broken easily and become a burden easily. And such kind, who constantly need someone dragging their shit, are naive fools who would never be able to stop giving their trust before they can even receive the loyalty.

"Excuse me," I walk past her, towards her eldest brother who stands straight and reaches for the door of his car before slipping inside. I follow him to the backseat and close the door. The windows are tinted but I can imagine the faces of his brothers. Well, except Vivaan and their incompetent father since they already know who I am.

"Consider this as a warning," he begins, his voice thick with tension. "The next time I see you loitering around my sister, ordering her around, or going out with her without my consent, you'll be back in the dumpsters you crawled out of."

I clench my jaw, my face remains impassive, but I let a smirk dominate my lips. "That'll be hard since you're sending me on a trip with her."

He shifts, his hand curling into a fist on his left knee. "That's because I couldn't refuse the Chairman's request after what happened with Miss. Rose. But let's not forget you're not who he thinks you are. I'd really appreciate it if you don't compel me to ruin the progress we've made so far with our plans. For what you can achieve later once the Chairman is out, is way more than you can even imagine."

Ruin In Royals (Royal #1: Book 2) | ✔Where stories live. Discover now