Chapter 6

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It took Lyanna only a few days to get to King's Landing. She rode hard, pushing her horse to its limits and only stopping when needed. Her body is stiff and sore as she enters the city gates. She pulls the hood of her cloak over her head. It's better not to be recognised by someone who might know her. That will only ruin her plans.

Never in her life has she seen so many people in one place. She asks around to find a decent inn where she can stay for her time here. Lyanna desperately wants to take a warm bath to relieve the aches in her muscles and get something to eat.

The innkeeper eyes her choice of clothing before he rudely shows her to her room. Maybe it will be wise to find herself a dress before meeting the King. She will ask the innkeeper where she can buy one. The price will not be an issue. She brought enough coins to buy herself a whole new wardrobe.

Lyanna tests the temperature of the water in her bath. She groans at the sensation of the warm water on her skin. Hopefully, the bath will help to shut down her thoughts. The whole trip here, all she had time to do was to think. Think about her father, the Wildlings, her little brother, how she will address the King about the situation at the Wall, and the people from her past.

She walks to the window, her eyes scanning for her potential victim. The only way to ease her thoughts might be to face them head-on.

A fat city dove lands on the window sill.
"Hello there," she says softly. Gently, her mind reaches out to the dove, searching for a place to latch onto. As she grabs hold of the dove's mind, her eyes roll back into her skull, and she then opens her eyes as the dove. The smaller the creature, the easier it is to control it. She still finds it hard to take complete control of one of her dire wolves.

Flying off, she immediately looks for the Red Keep. She was finding it at the top of the hill. Keeping her eyes and ears open, she lands on the roof. She spots the Queen walking urgently, a man with a cane beside her.
"If I get my hands on him," she can hear the Queen say. She swoops down and follows them. Lyanna wouldn't mind finding out who got the Queen so furious. Queen Alicent enters a room, and Lyanna ensures the dove is out of view.
"Aegon!" the Queen yells. Lyanna can see from where she is standing how a half-naked young man with cropped silver hair jumps out of his bed. Next to him, a brunette also jumps up, grabbing her clothes on the floor and running out of the room.

"We talked about this!" the Queen yells. The man with the cane closes the door before walking away.
Looks like Aegon has a whore problem as well. Lyanna can't help but think about it. She is very sure she heard the news that he got married to his sister, Helaena. Poor girl, to be married to a drunk. Worst of all, being married to her brother. It sickens her that the Targaryens think incest is acceptable. Lyanna can't even imagine getting married to her brother. She is unsure if a dove can throw up, but she feels close to vomiting.

She flies off again, still searching. It takes her longer than she thought to find the boy from her past. Landing on a window sill, she stares into what looks like a library. In the centre of the room, hunched over a book with his back to her, she finds him. His long silver hair draped over his back. It can only be him.


It has almost been ten years since she last saw him. Not a day has gone by without her thinking of him. She has no idea what his life has been like and if he grew up happy. Is he married by now? Maybe he is the father of a few silver-haired kids.
All she knows is that he finally found himself a dragon. The day he claimed the mighty beast, a spy sent word to Winterfell, informing her father of the occurrence. Her father had spies everywhere. It made her so happy to hear the news. He deserved it.

She sees him getting up and walking away. It is best not to follow him. It won't do her any good.

Slowly, she lets go of the dove, feeling her hold on it falter. Her eyes roll back into place, and with a loud sigh, her mind returns to her body. She falls forward, placing her hands against the wall. Being outside of her body for so long had quite a toll on her.

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