Chapter 8

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Shortly after her and Aemond's rendezvous in the garden, she heads back to the Red Keep to inform the Queen of her decision. This time, instead of going to the Throne Room, she is taken to the Tower of the Hand. She expected to see Aemond but only found the Queen and her father in the small chamber.

She curtsies to the Queen and clasps her hands together.
"I didn't expect to see you back so soon." The Queen smiles, "Have you made your decision?"
Lyanna nods, "I have, and after weighing my options, I decided that I..." The words get stuck in her throat. She knows that as soon as she says the words, she won't be able to return them. The Queen lifts her eyebrows in anticipation, waiting for Lyanna to finish.

"I decided to accept your proposal to marry your son," Lyanna answers, her voice breaking after every second word.
The Queen laughs excitedly, "That's wonderful. We can start with all the arrangements as soon as possible."
"The arrangements will have to wait for a bit," says Lyanna, "I need to go back home to put all my things in order. As soon as I am done, I will return and start helping with all the wedding planning."

Her stomach turns, and she is forced to swallow down the bile rising in her throat. She has no idea how she will get through it all sober. Maybe she should visit Aegon and have a few drinks with him, get to know her future brother-in-law before she kills him for Aemond's eye.

"That's alright. Aemond will go with you to ensure your safe return." says the Queen, "I will go and inform him."

Lyanna excuses herself and darts from the room as quickly as she can. Suddenly, it feels like the walls are closing in on her, and the world is starting to spin. She cautiously takes the steps down the tower, stopping frequently to keep herself from falling. Her breath escapes her lips rapidly, and she can feel her heart beating all over her body. She reaches the bottom of the stairs, tiny droplets of sweat clinging to her forehead. Lyanna slowly walks towards the light coming from the open door. But every step gets more brutal, and her vision eventually turns black. She frantically searches around her for something to hold onto but finds nothing.

She will faint like a typical lady who saw a speck of blood. If she could lift her foot that high, she would kick herself for acting this way. She is only getting married, not being sent to her death.
The world around her spins again, and she has difficulty staying upright. She feels herself falling backwards.

"Lyanna," she hears the urgent voice before feeling the arms around her.
"No," she says and tries to focus on the person who caught her, already knowing who it is by the sound of his voice, "Don't."
"You need to sit down," he says, picking her up.
"No, no, no," she protests, trying to free herself from him, "I don't want to be rescued."
"It certainly looks like you need the help."
"Put me down, Aemond. I am fine."
He grunts, "If you say so."

She can feel her legs wobble when she gets back on her feet.
She grabs his arm to steady herself, "Maybe I do need some help."
He chuckles softly, "Is this how you react to all marriage proposals?"
Lyanna glares at him, "Only the ones I accept."
Aemond picks her up again and takes her to the nearest seat.
"I might as well start practising carrying you over the threshold."
Her stomach turns again, "Please, don't joke at a time like this."
He puts her on a sofa, sitting next to her until she feels better.

"Thank you," she smiles at him, "Must say this is a first for me."
He stares at her, "Are you that afraid of getting married?"
"No," she rubs the back of her neck, "I am not afraid of it. I despise the whole idea of it."
He nods, "I heard I am to accompany you to Winterfell. When do you plan on leaving?"
"I don't understand why you need to come with me. I am more than capable to travel on my own."
"It will be safer if I travel with you."

Within a blink of an eye, Lyanna grabs the dagger secured next to her calf and presses the edge of it against Aemond's throat. His eye go wide with shock before a smile starts playing at the corner of his mouth.

The Wolf Queen - Part 1 (Aemond Targaryen)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora