Chapter 35

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Hit after hit collide with the training dummy, getting more intense with each hit.
Two months have passed since Aegon's coronation, and each day gets more shit than the previous one. Two months since he last saw Lyanna. Knowing he fucked everything up with her. He is why her brother died, and he knows how much she loves her brothers, even Rickard, who she always argued with.

Now, she is the new Warden of the North. A title that should have always belonged to her. A title she can now use against his family by supporting his half-sister. He knows how brilliant a battle strategist she is and knows how she will not just send her men to fight a battle without knowing every bit of detail surrounding it.

He is supposed to go to war against her, kill her people, people she cares about. Make her hate him even more than she currently does. He will never be able to rain fire down on her people. How could he?
But he needs to. Dragons and men heavily outnumber them.

When word came that Jace could pursue her to join the Black team, he knew they were screwed. Lyanna has thousands of men at her disposal.

"Easy, Brother. You are going to break another dummy." he hears Aegon say and sees him saunter over to him.
"Then we can replace it again," he answers and hits the dummy with enough force to splinter it into hundreds of pieces.

"She is just a woman." Aegon says, "There are many you can choose from."
Aemond slowly turns his head towards his brother, "You know as well as I that she is not just a woman."
Aegon sighs, "I know," he looks away, "It is a shame that we lost her. We could've had the upper hand with her on our side."

Aemond puts the sword down, not bothering to answer Aegon. He struts past him, wishing his brother could leave him alone. He is already doing what is expected of him, even killing Luke. The image of the pieces of him and his dragon falling from the sky still haunts him.

"There is something you must know, Aemond." Aegon says, waiting for Aemond to turn around, "And you are not going to like it."
Aemond looks at Aegon, waiting for him to get his point across so he can leave.
"Lyanna agreed to marry our dear nephew, Jace."
It feels like someone stabbed him in the gut. Twisting it in circles without stopping.

"Where did you hear this?" he asks, not even trying to mask his anger.
"Our dear sister herself, she sent a raven with the message. I think it is her way of bragging." Aegon's mouth pulls down, "Why she would want to marry him after screwing you is confusing me."

Aemond grabs Aegon's collar, "Don't you dare talk about her like that."
He wants to punch him badly, but he knows he can't do that to a king.
He pushes Aegon away. He is making his way to the Dragonpit. His anger wakens Vhagar, who roars as he approaches. He climbs on her back, grabbing her saddle tightly and trying to get his anger under control. He needs to control his emotions. Otherwise, his next move will end like his previous one, where he killed Luke.

Pushing the thoughts aside, he orders Vhagar to fly, sending her as North as possible.



Winterfell is full of fighting men again. The walls echoing from the laughter of them all in the Great Hall, drinking, eating and dancing with the servant girls.

She sits on her throne and watches her bannermen enjoy themselves after a long day discussing the war and the Wildling threat. Most agree that the Wildlings are a bigger problem for them than the Targaryen war.

But since they are loyal to Queen Rhaenyra, they agreed to send their men to help fight against the usurper. She didn't even have to beg or plead for men to go help fight at the Wall.

Everyone was so willing to help her build up an army. Did Rickard even try to ask his men for their help?

Lyanna felt a bit nauseous and excused herself to get some fresh air. The men bow their heads to her, and she passes them to the door. She sees her reflection in one of the windows, her bump only just starting to show, depending on what clothing she puts on. The dress she chose for tonight gives people a hint of what she is hiding under her clothing.

She feels so pleased with herself how she got the respect from the lords of all the houses, earning it, not taking it. As the music fades behind her, she starts feeling the cold air from outside. It started snowing earlier today, which she is grateful for. Her whole being loves the cold and thrives on it.

Outside, it is deadly quiet; only a few insects can be heard making a noise. Lyanna walks to the fence around the training yard, placing both her hands on it, breathing in deeply, trying to push the nausea away.

The sickness has been getting worse. The tea Maester Arwen give her helps, but as soon as she eats or smells certain things, the nausea hits her again.

She places a hand on her stomach. If only things were different. She should've been married to Aemond by now. They could've both been happy at the thought of becoming parents. But now, he will never know. Now, he will never be the father to this baby.

Shadow comes running towards her, growling up at the sky.
"What's wrong?" she asks and looks up herself. The massive body of a dragon swoops over Winterfell, and she feels like ducking down low just at the sight of it. The other wolves join them, and they all start to growl. The hair on their back begins to rise.

The dragon lands hard, shaking the ground. The head of the dragon is visible over the tall walls of Winterfell.
"Vhagar," she whispers. He's here.
Some of the lords come rushing out of the castle, seeing her standing outside alone, looking at the gigantic shape of Vhagar.
"My Lady, get behind us. We will protect you." her uncle, Lord Glover, says.
She put a hand up in reassurance, "It is fine. I will be fine."

She feels a slight movement in her stomach and turns towards the entrance, the guards opening the gate. Aemond walks in, his white hair falling over his shoulder, his eye focused on her.

Lyanna put a hand on her stomach, feeling how happy the sight of him made both of them. The lords come closer, some of their men with them. They shield Lyanna from Aemond, brandishing their swords at him. Aemond only stops a step or two away from them, his eye not letting her out of his sight.
"Kinslayer," Lord Mormont say, "We should kill you where you stand."
"You are not welcome here." her uncle says, "We will die protecting our Queen."

"Stop," Lyanna says, "Enough of this. My Lords, please go back inside. I am in no danger."
They all stare at her, not wanting to lower their swords.
"My Lady, he will harm you."
Lyanna looks at Aemond and shakes her head, "No, he won't. Now, please go back inside and enjoy the feast. I will join you shortly."

They slowly lower their swords and go back inside. Some lords glanced back before walking away. The wolves stay close to her.
"Aemond," she says, "You could've sent word that you were coming."
He does not answer, his eye just taking all of her in.
Lyanna let her arms hang before her, trying to hide the first signs of her pregnancy.

His chest is heaving just looking at her, knowing that all of her could've been his, was his only a few months ago if it wasn't for his mother, who wanted to do the coronation the day before the wedding.
"Follow me," Lyanna says, turning around and leading him to her room.

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