Chapter 44

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She arrives at Harrenhal. Riding Shadow to where men are waiting for her. As she climb from Shadow's back, four men rush towards her, trying to grab her, but with one look they fall to their knees, grabbing their heads. She send her wolves away, keeping them from a fight where they can get hurt.

"Where is he?" she yell at the first man, crawling at her feet. She grab a fist full of his hair, crouching down low. She dig deeper into his mind, looking at the things he recently saw. Seeing how her brother got dragged into the melted castle, Cregan screaming and crying. The picture turn black as the life slip from him. Feeling the energy fade away.

"Need to find a stronger mind then." she say and grab the next man.
"Please," he begs and start screaming as Lyanna scramble his mind. But he too also saw the same thing. She lets him go as blood and brain start oozing out of his nose.

"My, my," she hear and look up, "I've heard about what you can do, but it is another to see it in action."
Daemon stand at the entrance, his arms folded as he looks at her torturing his men.
He walks closer, "That is why I needed to kidnap your brother. Otherwise we would all already be dead by now."
"Where is he?" she asks.
Daemon call two men closer, "He is safe for now. As long as you don't use your abilities on me, my men or my dragon. The moment you do, your brother will be killed. Instructions have already been given to do that."

The two men grab hold of her, taking her sword. She does not fight against it. She expected this.
They drag her into the castle, following Daemon as they go in deeper, until they reach a room that used to be a throne room.
"Tie her to the pillar over there." Daemon instruct and the men push her down onto her knees next to the pillar tieing her hands behind her back.

"My men won't fight for you." she say as Daemon cross the room towards her, "I already instructed them to fight for the Greens. They will await orders from them and march on Harrenhal when the time comes."
Daemon laugh, "That is too bad, they will all die then. But it is not your men that I need, even though it would be nice to have them fight on our side."
"What then?"

He smiles at her, bending down to look her in the eye.
"I promised you that I will give you your husband's head. As soon as he receive the letter I sent him, he will come flying over here to save you. Then I will kill him."
"I won't let you do that. I will kill you before you can even try."
He stroke her cheek, "Then your brother will die."

He stands up and walk away, "The choice is yours, Lyanna. Your brother or your husband."
He stops at the exit and look at his men, "Rough her up a bit."
The two who tied her to the pillar smile and turn to her, cracking their knuckles as they approach her.
The one kick her in the stomach as the other slap her across the face.
Lyanna can taste blood as her lip crack from the slap. The kick to the stomach did not do too much damage to her or her baby. But it did send the wind from her lungs, leaving her breathless. She wait until Daemon leave the room before she grab hold of the minds of the two men, instructing them to not harm her any further.

They stop and stare at her like mindless zombies. Daemon won't even know she used her abilities on them, they won't even know that themselves. She will erase that bit from their minds.
Lyanna slump over, letting her head hang. She can't do anything until she find out where Cregan is. Until then she will have to stay put.



Aemond walk towards Aegon's room, they need to discuss what they are going to do about his uncle trying to besiege the Riverlands.

Their spy at Winterfell informed them that Lyanna refused to send her men to fight for Rhaenyra. The note was short but had enough information in it to make them trust that Lyanna will be on their side eventually.

As soon as they have a battle plan about the Riverlands he will go and visit Lyanna before the fighting starts. He hasn't seen her for a few days now and words can't describe how much he longs to be with her.

He is just grateful that she is safe in the North at Winterfell instead of being here at King's Landing, where they expect a fight to happen any day now.

He finds his brother sitting at the window, his face in his hands.
"Drunk again?" Aemond ask as he walks in, "I thought you stopped drinking."
Aegon only lifts his face a bit, staring out into the distance. He then sigh and look over his shoulder towards his brother.
"I think you need to come sit down, Aemond."

Aemond doesn't like the tone in his voice. It can only mean one thing. That they received bad news.
"What happened?" he asks and approach him, seeing an opened note on the table beside him.

"It's our uncle." Aegon say and pick up the note, "There has been a change of plans."
Aegon holds the note out to Aemond.

He starts reading it, only seeing the parts that influence him.

I have Lyanna and her brother.

For the first time Aemond feel fear grabbing hold of his heart. He knows his uncle is ruthless. He will kill her if he must. And knowing Lyanna, she will do whatever she needs to, to protect Cregan.

I will be waiting for the Kinslayer at Harrenhal. If he does not come, I will send him the bloody remains of his unborn child.

Aemond crumble up the piece of paper, grabing the chair in front of him. Anger is not a strong enough word to describe how he feels right now.

"We need to plan what we are going to do." Aegon say and stand up, "You can't go on your own. It is a trap."
"I am not planning anything. He has my wife, and I am going to go kill our uncle to get her back."

He starts walking away when he suddenly remember how Lyanna said that he will die at Harrenhal, above the Godseye. Remembering the note Lyanna sent him, begging him to never go to Harrenhal no matter what.

"Brother, I am not sending you to your death." Aegon say and stop him before he can leave the room.
Aemond grab Aegon's shirt, "What will you have me do then? Let him cut our child from Lyanna's body? He won't even kill her before doing it."
"We will march on Harrenhal and take the battle there. I will get my dragon and ride with you."

Aemond shake his head, "You can not leave the city unprotected. I am going on my own, and you can't stop me Aegon."

Aemond almost run to the Dragonpit, finding Vhagar sitting on a hill just outside the building. She looks into the distance, knowing they are about to fly to war. She knows the feeling Aemond is feeling all too well. Having experienced it with her previous riders as well. The only difference is, she doesn't know that they won't make it back to King's Landing. That this will be her last flight, her last fight.

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