Chapter 15

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"Open the gate!" Lyanna yells with her brother's sword in her hand. Everyone at Castle Black knows it is better to do as she says, and they slowly open the newly fixed gate.
Aemond grabs her by the shoulders, "Are you insane? You can't fight a giant on your own!"
She laughs, "Of course I can. Now get out of my way, or I will cut you down if you don't."
He doesn't let go of her, "There is a whole camp of Wildlings within the tree line. If they decide to charge, you will be on your own and outnumbered."
"I know how they think, Aemond. I am going to challenge the giant. They will think that I won't stand a chance." She looks over to where her wolves are standing, "And they are terrified of dire wolves."
"Let me at least help you."
She smiles, "This is something I must do alone." Then her face turns to stone, "Stay with the Lord Commander. You will have a great view from atop the Wall."

Aemond allows her to leave him behind as she and her wolves walk through the tunnel, climbing over the debris of the outer gate. Stepping out into the vast snowy landscape, she eyes the Wildling camp in the distance. She walks closer, knowing they have already spotted her. Her eyes scan for the giant. He can't be that hard to spot. She glances back, seeing the figure of Aemond at the top of the Wall. At least he listened to her. She can only guess what is going on in his head right now.

She is still searching for the giant, but he finds her first, walking out from the treeline and pointing at her.  Lyanna lifts her sword, pointing it at him, accepting the challenge. The giant gives a roar that sends vibrations through her bones. But she will not be afraid. She will avenge Brandon, even if it costs her her life.

The giant starts running towards her, and Lyanna hears cheers from the Wildling camps. Her wolves stand closer. Lyanna can feel the anger and excitement coming from Shadow.

"Kill it," she orders the wolves. The giant is almost upon them when Lyanna charges towards him, her wolves following her example. Before reaching him, the giant slams two of her wolves out of the way, sending them flying in yelps of pain. Lyanna starts swinging her sword against his legs since she is only tall enough to reach his hips. Her cuts do almost nothing to him, and he slams into her with a quick movement, sending her flying through the air. She lands on her back, gasping for air, and sees her sword nearby.

The giant stormed towards her, lifting his foot to crush her. Lyanna tries to roll away, but she is still trying to breathe. Shadow comes running from the left side, jumping on the giant and sending him staggering back. The giant tries to pull Shadow from him, but the wolf hangs on tight, biting down hard on the soft flesh of his face. Blood runs down in streams, colouring in the white snow.

Lyanna gets up, slower than she wants, and grabs her brother's sword. She uses Shadow's opportunity to cut the giant's legs from behind, cutting through the muscles and tendons in his heels. The giant yells out in pain, falling to his knees.
Shadow looks at her, and she jumps on his back, using him to jump higher up in the air with her sword held high.

She plunges the sword into the giant's back, sliding it down his spine, paralysing him. He falls with his back into the snow, breathing heavily and gurgling blood. Lyanna pulls the sword out, hearing the bones cracking as she does it.

Lyanna climbs on the giant's chest to ensure as many Wildlings see how she cuts down their giant.

"This is for my brother," she says as she pushes the sword into his throat, watching the light fade from his eyes. She jumps down, lifting the sword again, bringing it down repeatedly on the giant's neck until it is fully decapitated. Blood oozes from the stump of his neck.

She turns towards the Wildling camp, the loud cheers now silent.
"Sylas!" she yells for their leader, "Mark my words! I will kill all of your people. I will destroy everything you find dear! I will make you watch me do it before I kill you!"

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