Chapter 24

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Lyanna looks at the beautiful white material, which the tailor is busy adjusting to fit her body. He already explained what he had in mind for her dress, which excited her to see the end product.

"When it is done, it will have beautiful grey roses running down the back," he explains.
The Queen and Helaena are both present in the dress fitting.
"The back will be exposed, showing your perfect posture." his hands run down her spine and across her hips towards the front of the dress, "Here, I will add what will look like vines running from the flowers and sculpting the front." he gestured to how the vines will run, "And you have strong arms, so no sleeves."

Lyanna smiles, "It sounds perfect."
The Queen nods, "It does. Will it be done before the end of the week?"
The tailor looks at the dress and then at the Queen, "Yes," he nods, "I can have it done within a few days."
"Good, I plan on having the wedding in two weeks."

"Two weeks?" Lyanna asks, "Then we must send out invitations before tomorrow. Some of the guests are coming from far away."
"You should add some thorns to the vines." says Helaena, "It will match your personality. Roses may be beautiful, but their thorns can hurt."

Lyanna likes the idea and asks the tailor, "Will you add it?"
He nods with a smile, "It will be my finest work yet."
He helps her to get out of the dress, and she turns to him, "Thank you for doing it in such a short time. I do appreciate it."
He smiles and bows, "It is a pleasure, my Lady. I was told to give you only the best."
Lyanna smiles, making a mental note to remember sending a letter to the Lady of Highgarden and thank her for sending her tailor. She will add that note to the invitation.

The tailor leaves her room. The Queen takes Lyanna's hands.
"Are you happy with how the dress will look?" she asks.
Lyanna nods, "Very much. I trust the tailors from Highgarden. As a young girl, I've worn a few of their designs, and not one was appalling."
The Queen and Helaena leave her room as well.

Lyanna decides to go and check up on Cregan's training. They have been busy since he has not returned since leaving early this morning.

She finds Cregan sitting on a wooden box, looking at Aemond and Criston Cole. Lyanna folds her arms and walks closer.
"How was your training today?" she asks, and he looks up, surprised to see her.
"I think I am getting better. Aemond showed me a few new tricks I could use when fighting." he answers, smiling, "He also told me that I should watch him and Sir Criston. It will also teach me a few things."

Lyanna looks up, seeing Aemond stealing a glance at her. He smiles at her briefly.
A noise from the gates grabs her attention, and as she looks toward it, she sees a familiar face—the face of the woman who saved her from the brutes the other night. Lyanna walks over to her, discussing loudly with two guards.

"My Lady!" she yells out, seeing Lyanna approach.
"What's going on here?" she asks the guards, looking at each of them, "Are you well?" she asks the woman, not knowing her name.
"I came to speak to you, My Lady. But these guards won't let me pass."
Lyanna places a hand on the one guard's shoulder, "It is fine. You can let her enter."
They reluctantly step out of the way.
"Thank you." the woman answers, and Lyanna shows her to the small wooden bench near the gate.

"Please just call me Lyanna." she says as they sit down, "Why did you come to see me?"
The woman smiles, "My name is Elise," she folds her hands and starts twiddling her thumbs, "I feel humiliated to come here and speak to you about this, but..." she takes a deep breath, "Do you have any food for me? I have a few mouths to feed, and I have nothing. The bit of work I do doesn't pay enough to support my family."

Lyanna feels shocked, "Why would you be ashamed to ask for food?" she takes her hand, "Come with me to the kitchen. There will be more than enough for you to take."
Elise follows her to the castle kitchen, the staff looking at them as if they are lost.
"I need a basket," she tells the kitchen staff, "Please fill the basket with as much food as possible."
Lyanna stands and waits for the staff to do so and then takes the basket from them, thanking them for the help.

They walk back to the training yard, Lyanna giving her the basket.
"May I walk with you to your home?" Lyanna asks.
Elise nods, "You are welcome to, but it is a dangerous area, and I don't want you to get hurt again."
Lyanna smiles at her, "Give me one moment."

She grabs a belt from the training hard and ties it around her waist, taking a sword. This time, she won't be caught off guard. Her actions are seen by Aemond who stops his practice with Criston and darts over to Lyanna.
"Where are you going?" he asks.
She points to Elise, "I am going to her home. I need to see for myself why her family is starving."
He shakes his head, "We talked about this."

Lyanna kisses him on the cheek, "I will take a guard with me."
She turns around and walks to Elise, taking one of the guards at the gate with her.
"What type of work do you do?" Lyanna asks as they walk through the busy streets. Lyanna, with her expensive dress, gets eyed by many as she passes.
"I am a dancer, Lyanna." she says, "I dance for the men at the brothels."
Lyanna frowns at her, "Is that why the men thought you were a whore?"
She nods, "I only dance. I don't do Anything more. Some men don't understand that and try to force themselves on me."

"I'm sorry that you have to go through that."
Lyanna looks around her, seeing beggars everywhere, little kids starting to tug at her dress for money. Elise shooed them away, but Lyanna never knew how much poverty King's Landing had.
"Does it get worse the further we go?" Lyanna asks, and Elise nods.

They get to her home, which consists of a small little room with only the one space for the family to sleep, eat and bathe in. The bathing area is sectioned off with a cloth hanging from the roof. Inside, Elise introduces her to her mother and father, who cannot walk or use their hands. She also meets Elise's two children. Their father died a year ago from a fever.

Lyanna spent her time there talking to them and getting to know and understand their situation.
The guard alerts Lyanna that they must return since a big crowd is starting to form outside.
Elise walks back with her to the Keep, ensuring no one tries to hurt her, keeping them at bay by saying just the right things.

At the gates of the Keep, Lyanna turns to Elise.
"Why don't you come and work for me? I need a handmaiden, and I know I can trust you after you saved my life. I can pay you more than you are currently getting, and I promise you will be well taken care of."

Elise starts to cry, "Please, don't jest. I would appreciate an opportunity like this more than you know."
Lyanna smiles, "I am not jesting. I want you to start as early as you can. But I do have one condition."
Elise nods, "Anything. I will do anything."
Lyanna looks around, "I need you to be not only a handmaiden but a messenger, a spy, and an informant."
Elise nods, "We have a deal then."

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