Chapter 42

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A big feast is being held at Winterfell to celebrate the victory over the Wildlings. Lyanna tries to enjoy it with her men but finds it difficult without Aemond, who had to return to King's Landing right after the fight ended.

She received word from Dragonstone as she arrived home, with Maester Arwen rushing to her side to give her the note. Rhaenyra is not happy that she was forced into a marriage pact with Aemond, stating in the letter that they will ensure their marriage is annulled when they win the war, the union with Jace still being an option when the time comes.

The letter also states that Prince Daemon is at Harrenhal, needing the help and support of the North to secure the Riverlands.

How on Earth will she send her men to fight against her new family? How can she be one of the reasons they might end up dying or being thrown in jail? If the North helps, Rhaenyra will win.

She asked the Maester to send a note back, stating that the North didn't want to be a part of the conflict between the two families. Enough lives have been lost after the war with the Wildlings, and the men deserve to rest now.

Lyanna knows the note will not be met with kindness.
"You look like someone who just lost a war, My Lady." her Uncle says, putting a hand on her bandaged arm.
He takes her aside and lets her sit down.
"I'm sorry, I should be more cheerful, I know." she says, folding her hands in her lap, "I just can't take my mind off the Targaryen war."

"I assume they have asked for our assistance? And you don't want to give it for the fear of your husband's life?"
She nods, "Exactly, Lord Glover. And I don't want to betray my father and brother's legacy by not siding with Princess Rhaenyra. I don't want to be involved at all."

"Your mother always wrote to me about you and your brothers, especially you. And one thing that you need to remember is that you are not your father or your brother."
Lyanna looked at her hands, feeling guilty for not sending her men to help.

"You are better than them. You are stronger, I mean, look at you, a greenseer, and a strong one! The first female leader of House Stark. That is something to be proud of." he says and puts a hand on her shoulder, "I can assure you, all of the men sitting in this room right now are grateful that you put the North first. That is how it should be. That is how it was before the Targaryens came to Westeros. The Starks are part of the first men. Stay loyal to who you are."

Lyanna smiled, "Thank you, Uncle."
He stands up, "I promised my sister to look after her children when she is gone, and I will keep my promise. To you and Cregan."
Lyanna watched as he returned to the other men, grabbing another goblet full of ale.

She stands up and leaves the Great Hall, walking out into the night and looking at the stars. It was one of her and Brandon's favourite things to do as children, to climb up the highest tower here at Winterfell to look at the stars, seeing if they could spot a few shooting ones.

Her wolves howl softly in the distance, alerting her that they sense something. She hears the strange clicking sound before the roar.
A dragon.
The long neck of it appears first before the body. The same red dragon from her vision. Another dragon follows it.

She feels them land just outside the walls. She is waiting to see the riders of them. Knowing at least that one will be Daemon. Daemon appears first, walking towards her with that cocky stride he uses to intimidate people. Behind him, she can make out the figure of Princess Rhaenyra.

Lyanna is shocked to see that she came to Winterfell.
Deamon stops, letting Rhaenyra pass him.
Lyanna gives a curtsy, "My Queen. I am shocked to see you here."
Rhaenyra smiled, "I thought it best to come see you myself." she turned to look at Daemon, "But my husband won't allow me to come alone."

Loud laughter echoes through the halls and escapes the doors, making her two visitors look up.
"Celebrating your win, I assume." Rhaenyra says with a smile, "Congratulations are in order."

Lyanna nods, "Thank you. If I may be so blunt, but why are you here? I thought I clarified in my letter that I do not wish to support either side, to keep the North out of the war."
"You may not be so blunt." Daemon says, stepping forward, "I remember very well that you said you would support Rhaenyra's claim to the throne."
"I never said I do not support it. I just said that my men won't fight in a war that I see as unnecessary."

Daemon approaches her, grabbing her by the throat, "We should have never trusted you. Whoring your way to power. I heard you are called a Queen in the North now. Maybe I should let my dragon burn your castle to the ground."
Lyanna grabs his wrist, "You have no idea what you are talking about. You are the one who is hungry for power. Why else fight a war if you could sit down with your family and talk it out?"

"That is enough! Let go of her!" Rhaenyra shouts at Daemon.
He presses a little harder, making it difficult to breathe.
"What do you know about family? You have none left!" he spits out.
Lyanna pushed down the anger. She can't hurt the Queen's husband.
"That is exactly why I don't want to fight."

Rhaenyra grabs Daemon's hand and pulls it from her throat. Air rushes back into her lungs.
"I want you to be honest with me, Lady Lyanna." Rhaenyra says as she pushes Daemon away, "Did my half-brother rape you? Is that why you are pregnant with his child? I already know he forced you to marry him."

Lyanna laughs, "I don't understand. He is your brother, and you dislike him so much." she touches her neck, "No, he did not rape me. Aemond would never do such a thing."
"The piece of shit is capable of anything," Daemon adds.
Rhaenyra gives him a look, and he quiets down.
"Then I assume you care for him."
Lyanna nods, "Of course I do. I married him willingly. He only told Jace to say that so you won't take your anger out on me."

Rhaenyra sighs, "Now I understand better."
"Now I want to know something from you as well." Lyanna say, seeing from the corner of her eye how Shadow is walking closer, "Does family mean nothing to you?"
Rhaenyra looks taken aback, "Why would you ask such a thing? My family means everything to me."

"Still, you are willing to kill your two brothers and sister? Even if you don't share the same mother?"
Daemon laughs, "Don't try and make Rhaenyra feel guilty. Your husband killed her son! That is enough reason to go to war. Their mother killed the King to put her son on the throne."

"I might have fought with my brothers multiple times, but I would never wish harm on them. I am not a mother yet, so I can not comprehend how it feels to lose a child. But believe me when I say Aemond did not intend to harm Luke."
Daemon comes walking towards her again. He is just about to grab her again when Shadow growls at him.

Daemon's hand freezes halfway to her neck. Lyanna knows they have not seen her wolves before, and not one as big as Shadow.
"Fuck." Daemon says and drops his hand, "They are massive."
"Shadow," Lyanna says, and he stops approaching, "He will not harm you."

"Lady Lyanna," Rhaenyra speaks up, "We need the North on our side to end the war. Even if there will be lives lost."
Lyanna touched her stomach, "Even if my child needs to grow up without her father?"
She looks at Daemon, "I can't promise that my brother will make it out alive."

Lyanna smiled, "Thank you for coming all this way, Your Grace. But I will not be sending my men to fight for you."
Lyanna turned around and walked back to the doors.
"I will send your husband's head to you when the war ends," Daemon says.
Lyanna grabs the door, pushing the anger down even harder. What would she do to him if she wasn't so proud and loyal to her house?

She walks further, eventually hearing the dragon wings flapping above the castle. Lyanna grabs hold of the wall for support, feeling the tears slip from her eyes.
"How am I supposed to stop his death from happening?" she asks out loud and puts her hand over her mouth.
With a sniff, she wiped away the tears. She will send a letter to King's Landing. Aemond must not go to Harrenhal, no matter what.

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