Chapter 41

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Lyanna stands at the top of the Wall at Castle Black. Looking out at the treeline, all she can see is Wildlings.
"There are so many of them." she says to the Lord Commander, "How did we not see them all?"
"We believe more Wildlings joined them this week, ensuring they have a big enough army to get through the Wall."
As far as the eye can see, the Wildlings are stretched out in front of her, a massive army ready to attack Castle Black. She hasn't even seen what it looks like at the other Watchtowers.

"They are just standing there," Lyanna noticed, "What are they waiting for?"
The Lord Commander turned to her, "For you, My Lady. As much as you hate them, they hate you as well."
She smiles, "Well, I am here now. Let's give them what they want."
Just as they are about to go back down, a single person steps away from the Wildling group and walks halfway towards the Wall.

Lyanna stood and watched, seeing the black hair and the bushy beard.
"Sylas," she hiss and feels her hatred for him grow stronger.
"We march immediately," she ordered and descended the Wall, approaching the lords waiting at the bottom.
"Get your men ready," she orders them all.
Aemond turns to her, "Are you sure I am not needed here?"
Lyanna nods, "I need you to secure all the other Watchtowers before coming here to help. We will be able to hold out until then."

She walks with him out to where Vhagar is waiting. The dragon's eyes follow Lyanna as they approach her.
"Be careful." Aemond tells her as he pulls her against him, "Each of those Wildlings is out to get you. Not your bannermen. You. "
She smiles up to him, "I will be fine. Please make sure that you roast each of those bastards. I don't want any left alive."
He kisses her, his hands cupping her face.
"I will burn the world for you," he says as he lets go. He is walking backwards until he reaches Vhagar. Lyanna waits until he flies off before returning to Castle Black.

All the men are stationed outside, awaiting orders to march through the Wall.
"My lords," she says and climbs a few steps leading to the upper rooms to see them all better. The men of the Watch are all standing among them, also waiting to hear what they must do.
"My fellow Northerners," Lyanna started, "I don't think I have ever seen a sight like this before, having us all here together."
She smiles at them all, putting a hand on the railing.

"We have never faced such a threat as we are about to deal with today. Us Northerners might be stubborn, we might be difficult, and we might not always agree about everything, but there is one thing that makes us better than all those Southerners and the Wildlings from beyond the Wall."
The men all look at her in anticipation.

"We know how to bloody fight! And together, we will fight today! We will kill all those animals who raid our lands, steal our livestock, and murder our folk! They will pay for all they have done." loud cheers are coming from the men, "The North remembers!"

Swords are drawn and shoved into the air.
"For the North!" the men shout.
"Let's march!" she yells and walks to the first gate, all the men following behind her. Her wolves staying at her side. They walk through the tunnel carved in the ice, the echoes of their footsteps stoking the fire already burning inside her.

Then, they are out in the open. An icy wind blows through them as they approach the Wildling army.

Lyanna stops, looking Sylas in the face for the first time.
"At last, we meet," he says, his voice husky.
Lynna smirks, "I would've preferred to meet you already dead with your head served on a platter."
He laughs, "You are very confident, My Lady. Just look at my army," he opens his arms and shows around him, "I have giants and wargs. You got nothing but your men and four wolves."

"We'll see." she turns around and returns to her men. At that moment, fire can be seen in the distance. She sees the confused look on Sylas's face, knowing it is Aemond. He will meet him soon enough.

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