Chapter 27

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Aemond gives chase after her, finding it hard to keep up with how fast she is riding her horse. Lyanna rides out of King's Landing. She is trying to put as much ground between herself and that dreadful place.

She becomes aware of another rider behind her and pulls the reins of her horse, turning around to face whoever it is, pulling out her bloody sword. Aemond stops, keeping his distance, knowing she is not stable.

"Why are you following me, Aemond?" she asks, putting her sword back in its sheath. She dismounted and walked her horse off the road and into the trees.
Aemond follows, "Because I am worried about you. You almost declared war against my family."
"I don't care, Aemond! I will kill all of you for the men your family promised to give me."
The birds in the trees all start to fly in a circle above them.

He puts his hands out in front of him, "We can go back, climb on Vhagar's back and fly to the Wall. I also made you a promise."
Lyanna stares at him, "Don't try to sweet talk me into going back."
"I just think you need to calm down."

Lyanna laughs, "Calm down?" she stares deep into his eye, "Calm down!"
She grabs his mind, pressing hard on all the soft bits inside. Aemond yells in pain and falls to his knees as he holds his head.
"Lyanna!" he yells, "Stop!"
"My wolves are like my children, Aemond. And they killed my youngest, my most vulnerable wolf of all!"

She forces pictures into his mind of her and her wolves, the bond they share and the love she has for them.
"I need you to feel my pain." she grits her teeth and transfers her pain to him, making him yell out as his body starts trembling.

She sees the blood running from his nose and realises with shock what she is doing. Lyanna, let's go of his mind.
"I'm so sorry," she says and steps away from him. Feeling like the monster people think greenseers are.
She runs to Aemond and grabs hold of him.
"Aemond, I'm so sorry."

The world around them turns quiet again, the birds returning to the trees.
He takes her hand, "I don't think you realise just how powerful you are, Lyanna."
He rubs his hand over his face. Lyanna put her hands on his shoulders and forced him to look at her.

"I did not mean to hurt you, Aemond."
He smiles, pulling her closer, "I know."

She places her head against his chest, "I am not mad."

"Your mother must be fuming," she says.
"No," he shakes his head, "She will understand. My grandfather might not. You did threaten them, after all."

She laughs, "But I was dead serious, Aemond. I will declare your house our enemies if they do not keep their word."
"I will ensure they send men to the wall." he kisses her on the cheek, "It is the least I can do until you decide to use my dragon."

"Not yet. Vhagar will get her moment." Lyanna answers, "Using her will end the fight too quickly and make it no fun to let Sylas watch as I kill his people."
They get up off the ground and ride back to the capitol.

The Queen is still standing at the training yard when they ride in. As Lyanna dismounted, the Queen ran to her, throwing her arms around Lyanna.
"I'm so sorry, my Child." she says, pulling Lyanna closer, "That must have been the hardest thing to go through."
Lyanna pulls away slightly, "I thought you would want to throw me in the dungeons."

The Queen smiles, "When my children get mad, they also lash out." She places her hand on Lyanna's back, forcing her to move toward the Keep, "But you are right, we promised men, and we will send them."

"It has to be enough. A small amount will be useless."
"We will talk about it later." She points towards where Helaena is standing, seeing her brother crying against her leg, "I think someone needs his sister."

Lyanna ran towards Cregan, and he met her halfway. She picks him up, letting him cry on her shoulder. He must have seen the whole ordeal from start to finish. Lyanna immediately feels guilty. She allows him to see people get killed, and he needs to toughen up, but today, she was ruthless—chopping off all their heads and parading with them in front of him.

"Why did they have to kill Luna?" he sobs.
Lyanna closes her eyes, "Because she was the weakest, Wolf Pup. They wanted to do something to hurt me."
"Why didn't Shadow kill them?"
She pushes him away to look at his face, "I can only assume she went off on her own to find a place to have her pups, and that must be when they found her."
Cregan drops his face on her shoulder again, crying even harder.

"I want you to start training me, Lyanna." he sobs, "I need to learn how to kill Wildlings like you do. I want to kill them for what they did."
Lyanna smiles, hugging him tighter.
Rickard will be so angry when he hears that their youngest sibling now also has a hatred for those uncivilised people.
"That's my boy," she says and kisses him on the cheek. She carries him to their room so he can have a quick nap to make him feel better.


The following day, Elise comes to her room but knocks first before entering. Cregan is still asleep when she enters, Lyanna deciding he needs a day off with the training. He will be too emotional to fight and train properly.

Aemond came looking for him this morning, finding Lyanna waiting for him, dressed in a beautiful light blue gown, showing off her best features.
"I came for Cregan, but I will be fine with just you," he said, pulling her in for a kiss.
She pulled him into the room, "I wanted him to sleep in. He handles grief differently. We had such a difficult night. He woke up constantly, screaming how he does not want to lose another direwolf."

"And you? How are you feeling this morning?"
She smiled, "Like with all the ones I've lost, I just have to carry on and ensure those people will pay." Aemond kissed her again, "I was able to get ahold of Shadow last night. He found Luna's body, as well as the four pups. Do you think I was angry yesterday? You should've felt Shadow's anger. Luna was his mate, and they killed her."
"I can understand why he would be angry," Aemond held her against him, "I would go on a murder spree if someone killed you. The only thing that could stop me is if Vhagar eats me."
Lyanna suppresses her laughter, "She will never do that."

He left shortly after.
"Good morning, Lyanna." Elise greets, "The letters you asked me to send for you have left the capitol by a raven."
Lyanna nods, "I hope you used ravens that don't belong to the castle."
"I did."
"Good," she gives Elise another list with money, "I need you to go and buy more things. But before you go, I need you to ask Princess Helaena to meet me in the kitchen."
Lyanna curtsies, "I will do that. Yesterday's things have been delivered to the kitchen as well. I've told the staff not to touch it."

Lyanna makes her way down to the kitchen, greeting each person as she walks in. She ties an apron around her waist, glad she chose to wear a sleeveless dress today.

Helaena appear at the door, looking very confused.
"Here you go," Lyanna gives her an apron, "I thought this would be the perfect opportunity for us to get to know one another."
Helaena smiles and ties the apron around her, "And what exactly are we doing?"
Lyanna yelled out a few instructions, asking the staff to start bringing in the goods that one of the kitchen staff left on the wagon outside the doors.
"We are going to bake some bread."

The head of the kitchen gasps, "My Lady, I can not expect you two to get your hands dirty."
"Nonsense! The bread would taste awful if our hands were dirty."
"I must insist, my Lady. Let us bake the bread for you."

Lyanna tilted her head, "Have you seen the amount of flower outside?" The cook nodded, "I need to make a few hundred bread rolls. There is no way that you will be able to do that and make food for the Royal Family. That is why we are here, to ease the burden."

Lyanna walks to the nearest counter, grabbing some flower and throwing them all over her dress, "Oh, no! Just look at the mess I made. Now..." she calls everyone closer, "Let's bake some bread."

The Wolf Queen - Part 1 (Aemond Targaryen)Where stories live. Discover now