Chapter 31

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It happened very early. Lyanna woke up, seeing Cregan standing in front of her bed. He looked confused, a deep frown between his eyes.
"What's wrong, Wolf Pup?" she asks with a yawn, pushing herself onto her elbow.
"I can't get the door open." he answers, "I am going to be late for my lessons."

"Maybe it is just stuck."
Lyanna gets up, rubbing her eyes.
She pulls at the door, feeling it won't open, not even with force. They are locked inside.
Something is wrong. Why would they be locked in their room? She goes to the window, looking out, hoping to see something or someone who can shed some light on what's happening. But there is no movement outside that she can see.

She bends down in front of Cregan, "I want you to get dressed as quickly as possible. We might need to escape the room."
He looks worried, "Are we in trouble?"
Lyanna shakes her head, "No, not at all. But bad things might start to happen from today, and we need to leave before it does."

As Cregan gets dressed, Lyanna grabs everything they need, packing it into a small bag Cregan can carry. She already knows what is happening. Lyanna saw it in a vision just the other day. She hoped it would happen after the wedding so Cregan could at least be safe, but now she must do what she can to get them both to safety.

Her bedroom door opens, and she picks her sword up quickly, pointing it toward the door.
"It is only me, Lyanna." says Elise, hurrying inside, "You need to get out of here. And quick."
She lowers the sword, placing it into its sheath at her hip.
"What is happening?"
Elise comes closer, "One of the servants said the King died last night. They are now planning on crowning Aegon today. All your wedding guests that have arrived are locked in their rooms as well."

Lyanna knows she saw all of this happen; she knows they will crown Aegon, but she does not want to be stuck in the middle. House Stark's loyalties lie with Princess Rhaenyra. Her father knelt before her the day she was declared the heir to the throne, and her brother did the same. She can not be the one to betray that, and since she is not married to Aemond yet, she can't change her alliance.

"Do you have a plan to get us out of here?" she asks Elise.
Elise nods, "Not all the servants agree with what is happening. Some we can trust to help get you out. I will be able to get you to my house, where you can hide until tonight so you can escape the city when it is dark."
Lyanna throws her arms around Elise, "Thank you, Elise. I will always be in your debt for helping us."
Elise hugged her back.
"It is the least I can do."

Lyanna grabs their coats, putting Cregan's on, making sure the hood is over his face.
"Do not take the hood off," she tells him. He nods. Lyanna ensured her sword was well hidden under her coat, also putting the hood over her face. Elise took Cregan's hand, knowing that Lyanna needed to open her hands to fight when needed.
As Lyanna closed the door behind her, she looked at the beautiful white wedding dress hanging at the far end of the room, ready for their wedding tomorrow.

Her heart aches, knowing she won't get to say goodbye to Aemond.
"Elise, give me a moment."
She grabs a piece of paper and writes a short note on it. She places it where she knows Aemond will find it. She quickly wipes away a tear that slides down her cheek before closing the bedroom door behind her.
She nods to Elise, and the three go down the halls.

At the first corner, they hear heavy footsteps, sounding like men wearing armour. She pushes Elise and Cregan behind a wall, her hand on her sword hilt.
"The Queen instructed that no one leave their rooms. Anyone who does not comply gets thrown into the cells. Make sure everyone else knows that." the first knight says.
"Prince Aemond is waiting for us outside. He will give us further instructions on what to do."

Lyanna almost feels mad that Aemond will do this to comply with crowning Aegon. But she will also do things for her family, no matter how horrible the actions.

She waits until their voices can't be heard anymore before continuing.
"Where are we going?" she asks Elise.
"The kitchen is the easiest way out, and the guards won't be there."
Lyanna nods and leads the way towards the kitchen.

The kitchen doors are just at the end of the hallway, and the three quicken their pace.
A guard steps out from one of the side hallways and spots them.
Lyanna drew her sword, seeing it was Criston Cole.
"You are supposed to be in your room, Lyanna. It is for your safety," he says.
"Please stay out of our way. I do not want to fight you."
"I have orders, my Lady." he looks at Cregan, standing behind Elise.

"I need to get him out of here, Criston."
He looks at Lyanna, his hand going to his sword.
Then he steps aside, "I never saw you."
Elise and Cregan run past him, entering the kitchen.
"Thank you." she says to him, taking his hand, "I hope I will one day see you again."

"Stay safe, Lyanna."
She gives him a curt nod and also enters the kitchen, seeing how Elise and Cregan are waiting for her at the doors leading outside. They are almost free of the Keep. Just a little bit more.

They pass a small courtyard, only stopping to see if it is safe to run past. Lyanna spotted the long white hair of the man she was supposed to marry tomorrow. Wanting very much to go to him.
"Lyanna," Elise whispered, "We need to go."

Fighting her urges, she ran past and straight out of the walls of the Keep. Knowing there is no way anyone will now recognise them. As long as they keep their hoods on.

It took them very long to get to Elise's home. The crowds are all being pushed towards the Dragonpit. Lyanna held Cregan dearly, not wanting to lose him in the crowd.

They get to Elise's home, entering it quickly before they are seen. After a while, they hear a loud booming noise, not knowing where it came from, followed by the screaming of people.
Lyanna goes outside, suddenly seeing a dragon fly across the buildings, away from the Dragonpit.

Someone was able to escape as well. Lyanna goes back inside, putting on a strong face for Cregan even though she feels like breaking apart.
"We are almost going home, my Little Wolf."
He smiles, looking only a little bit fazed by what happened.

They stay inside until dark. Elise left as the sun was busy setting to find them a horse. It is close to midnight when she returns.
"You need to go quickly. I heard from one of the servants working in the kitchen that Prince Aemond is looking for you. It is only a matter of time before he finds my home."

Lyanna nods, taking Cregan's hand.
"Some part of me wants him to find me."
Elise takes her hand, "I'm sorry, Lyanna. I wish things could be different for you."
Lyanna helps Cregan onto the horse.
She takes out a small bag full of coins and gives it to Elise.
"This is all I have left to give you. I hope this will help you until you find something else to do. And if you are willing to travel all the way, there will be a place for you and your family at Winterfell."

"Thank you, Lyanna."
She mounts the horse, taking the reins, Cregan sitting in front of her.
"If Aemond comes knocking, tell him I am sorry."
She kicks her horse in its sides, and it speeds off. Lyanna cries softly as they ride into the darkness, leaving the city behind them and leaving a piece of her heart there as well.
She thinks back on her note, knowing he has already found it. If he is looking for her, he is not doing what she asked.
Let me go, she sends out the message with her mind, focusing on the speed of the ripples running back towards King's Landing.

She finds him somewhere outside the Keep. She was feeling his anger.
It would be best if you stopped looking for me, she forces him to hear her.
But the further they ride, the more she knows he will not stop looking. He will find her at Winterfell. She needs to travel along another road back home, no matter how long it takes to return to Winterfell.
I love you, she sends her last message to him.

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