Chapter 17

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Lyanna and Cregan follow the guard to where the dining area is. This castle is so big, she knows that one of these days she will get lost on her way somewhere. She fumbles with her dress, which fits her like a glove. Lyanna loves how she can wear colour here in King's Landing and how breezy the dresses are. Like the one she is wearing now, which has cut-out pieces on the bodice, exposing some of her skin.

They walk around a corner, and directly in front of them, they see the light shining through an open door and laughter coming from inside.
Lyanna takes Cregan's hand and sees the massive smile on his face. He will make a much better Lord of Winterfell than Rickard, with Cregan being such a social butterfly.

They enter the room, and all eyes go to them. Lyanna sees no sign of Aemond.
The Queen stands up from where she is sitting at the head of the table, showing Lyanna to take a seat next to Aegon.
Oh, joy, she thinks to herself.
"Can I sit next to the Queen?" Cregan asks, and Lyanna stares at him as if she doesn't know him at all.
"I would be honoured, " the Queen says, pulling out the chair beside her. Lyanna can't help but wonder if he is looking for a mother figure, something she tried to be but seemed to fail.

Reluctantly, she sits beside Aegon, immediately filling her cup with wine.
"Lady Lyanna," Aegon greets, "It's good to see you after such a long time."
Lyanna can smell the alcohol on his breath and starts laughing, "Oh, please don't lie. You would rather sit somewhere else than next to me."
He smiles, "Maybe when we were kids, but now you have some amazing breasts, and I don't mind sitting next to you so I can look at them the whole evening."
Lyanna laughs even more, "You have not changed a bit. You are still annoying and a drunk."
He lifts his cup, "I will drink to that." he takes a big gulp, "Are you still such an outspoken bitch?"

She nods, "Even more so," she quickly glances at Cregan, "You are going to love having me here."
"Why are you here? My mother just said we have visitors from the North. I thought it was going to be your annoying brother. Is he still Warden of the North?"
Lyanna is shocked that Aemond's family does not know they are betrothed.
"Yes, he is still the Warden of the North."
Aegon clicks his tongue, "That's too bad. I think you or Brandon would've done a better job."
Lyanna lifts her cup, "I'll drink to that."
Aegon laughs, "Don't tell me you are also becoming a drunk, my Lady."
"A drunk?" she asks, taking another sip, "Dear Aegon, I can handle my alcohol much better than you. I am from the North, and we are born with the ability to drink without getting drunk."

He lifts his cup, "I hope you can teach me. Then my mother can get off my back whenever I wake up with a headache."
Lyanna laughs, "I will try my best. But you are way too small to handle your drink better."
"Should I fatten up first?"
She shakes her head, "Not even that will help."
He puts his cup down, "If you didn't have such amazing breasts, I would've felt insulted."
A hand is placed on Aegon's shoulder, and they both look up to see Aemond staring at his brother.

"Now you show up," Lyanna scolds, "We already finished our first cups of wine."
Aemond stares at them, "Sound like you had more to drink than necessary."
Lyanna smiles at him and watches as he takes his seat on her left side, being able to look at both her and Aegon.

The Queen stands up, "Now that Aemond is here. I want to welcome our two Stark guests. We are honoured to have you here as part of the family. Unfortunately, the King is still not feeling well enough to join us, and my father has urgent business to attend to." the Queen smiles, "Now to some very exciting news. You must all wonder why our guests are here. It has been decided that Aemond and Lyanna will get married soon to join our two great houses together."
Aegon sighs, "What a tragedy."
The Queen stared at him and sat back down to chat with Cregan.
"Are you disappointed that you will now have an annoying and outspoken bitch of a sister?" Lyanna asks.
He shakes his head, "No," he takes a few sips of the wine, "I won't be able to touch your breasts now."

Lyanna sees Aemond reach for the knife on the table, and she starts laughing.
Her hand goes to Aegon's shoulder, "No, you won't be able to. They belong to your brother now."
Aegon laughs and looks at Aemond, "I hope you enjoy them, Brother. I know I would've."
He retakes his cup, but Lyanna grabs it from him, "I think you had enough. We don't want unnecessary conflict at the dinner table."
She stares at Aemond, lifting her eyebrows until he puts down the knife.
"Don't take my wine away from me." Aegon says, "It is the only thing helping me cope with this family."
"You will now have me as a sister, Aegon. You don't need wine or ale when I am around."
He smiles, "Are you that much fun?"
She nods, "You won't believe just how much."
Aegon nods and lets her take his cup away.

Lyanna turns to Aemond, who is still eyeing his brother, looking like he wants to strangle him.
"Where were you?" she asks in a hushed voice.
Aemond slowly takes his eye off Aegon, "I was busy."
She nods, "Oh, you were busy," she pours more wine into her cup, "It would've been nice if you had escorted us to dinner."
Aemond's eye glances over her dress, "Maybe Aegon can do it from tomorrow."
She gives a mocking laugh, "You are so childish. But I will ask him then."

They don't speak for the rest of the evening. The Queen inform her children to be on their best behaviour tomorrow when Princess Rhaenyra and her family arrives. Their visit has something to do with the Driftmark throne. To not start fights with their nephews. Lyanna tries to make out what the history is between the two households. Maybe she should've paid more attention to Southern politics when Rickard spoke about it.

Lyanna turns to the Queen, "I am tired, Your Grace. If I may be excused."
The Queen smiles, "You may. I will bring your brother to your chambers as soon as he's done."
She stands up, not looking at Aemond and leaves the room, letting a guard escort her back. They are halfway to her chambers when loud and hurried footsteps can be heard behind them. They turn around, the guard placing a hand on his sword.

Aemond comes storming towards her, looking like he might emit lightning by the look on his face.
The guard steps back, and Lyanna squares her shoulders, waiting for the impact.
"Did you enjoy flirting with my brother?" he asks, grabbing her arm, "It looked like you did, with all the laughter you shared."
Lyanna shakes her head, "So it is a sin to laugh?" she jabs him in the chest, "And don't come and accuse me of things I didn't do."
His grip tightens around her arm, "Maybe if you had a more decent dress on, my brother wouldn't have looked at your breasts or commented about them."

She looks down at the flowing material and the upper part of the dress, "Your brother would've said something no matter what I wore. It is Aegon. He loves to drink just as much as he loves women." she tries to pull her arm away, "Maybe loosen your grip on my arm before you give me bruises I won't be able to explain."
He lets go of her and looks at the guard, "You may go."
He waits for the guard to leave before focusing his anger on her again, "I will arrange that new dresses be delivered to your chambers."

Lyanna laughs, her laughter echoing through the hallway.
"If you do that, I will walk around naked," she glares at him, "I am not ashamed of my body, so don't think I won't do it."
Aemond does not answer, but Lyanna can see he is fuming.
"Maybe you could've appreciated my dress tonight because I think it is stunning."
Aemond pulls her closer, their bodies touching.
"I am the only one who should appreciate your body," he growls into her ear, "Not everyone else."
Lyanna pushes away the feelings he is awakening. Only allowing her anger to take over.

"You know what," she starts undressing, "I will then walk around naked. We Northerners have no shame."
Aemond tries to stop her, but the dress falls to the ground, exposing her skin to the cool air blowing through the hallway.
"Now you can watch me walk away with nothing on," she pulls him closer to whisper in his ear, "And you will not be allowed to touch me."
She picks up the dress and turns around. She walks back to her chambers, trying to gain control of her anger.

She hopes he enjoys the view because he won't be seeing her naked body ever again.

The Wolf Queen - Part 1 (Aemond Targaryen)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant