Chapter 40

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Many of Lyanna's bannermen arrived at Winterfell the next day. Others have sent word that they will meet up with her along the way.
The lords joined her inside the walls of Winterfell as their men stood outside waiting. Already hundreds ready, waiting for the order the move.

"We will reach the Wall by tomorrow." Lyanna says during the meeting in the Great Hall, "It would be wise to split up into groups to secure all the watchtowers. The biggest group should go straight to Castle Black. I have a feeling that is where Sylas will be sending most of his men and giants."
"Do we know how many giants they have?" Lord Mormont asks.
Lyanna shakes her head, "No, last I heard, they spotted six. But there can be more."

"There is more, My Lady." Maester Arwen steps forward. Lyanna looks up as he approaches, seeing her three white-haired guests sitting at the back of the hall, trying not to be in the way.
"It has been said they have a few wargs as well."
The men start murmuring amongst each other.
"They will take control of our horses, our minds." one says.
"We will be unable to think straight and forget how to fight."

Lyanna shakes her head, "Silence!" the hall quiets, "If there are any wargs, you leave them to me."
"What if they take control of your wolves, My Lady? Especially the black one? We will all be ripped to shreds."
"Just trust me, My Lord."

They discuss who will go to which watchtower, realising they won't have enough to keep them all safe.
"That is why we have a dragon as well." she says, "Prince Aemond has agreed to help us."
"A dragon?!" her uncle exclaims, "A stronger beast for the wargs to use against us."
"The Kinslayer? Help us?" another shouts.

Lyanna stands up from her throne, "Enough!" she yells again, trying to get the hall in order, "We are all here bickering about things I should worry about! And here I stand, with not one hair on my body afraid of what is to come! The longer we sit here, the less time we have!"
"But we have real things to worry about. You might have killed a giant once, but you had to use your wolves to do it. Now, there are at least six more. We all know how strong wargs are, and hearing news of them having some at their disposal is worrying. "

"My dear Uncle." Lyanna say, placing a hand on her belly, "We have a greenseer far stronger than any amount of wargs they can ever possess."
"A greenseer? Who? I have yet to see the day a greenseer walk the North again."
Lyanna pace a few steps to her right, looking at all of them. As quickly as the snap of a finger, she grabs hold of every mind in the room, leaving only the three Targaryens alone. The men crumble under her, clasping their hands and yelling in pain.

She lets go, giving them time to breathe.
"When I say you have nothing to fear, I mean it," she says slowly.
"It has not been seen in the house Stark in many years, My Lady. But it is about time the North have something to make the South fear us again," says Lord Mormont and bends his knee to her. One by one, the men all bend.
She starts walking towards the exit but stops halfway, "I intend on riding immediately. And the next person to call my husband a kinslayer will have his head explode from his body."

She walks past the Targaryens and exits the hall, calling out to her wolves to find her outside. The four wolves wait for her next to her horse.
"We will be getting our revenge sooner than we thought," she tells them and rubs them all as she moves past them.

The men all start mounting their horses. Lyanna makes her way to her chambers to put on her armour. Helaena follows her to her bedroom, knowing what she plans on doing.

The armour fit her like a glove, and Lyanna braids her hair into a single braid, falling down her back. She places Vengeance in its sheath.

"Now we can go to war," she says and turns to Helaena, who follows her back to the courtyard.
Aegon walks towards her, bowing, "I assume these men would rather have you on my throne than me."
Lyanna smiles, "I have no desire for the Iron Throne, Aegon."
"Helaena and I will return to King's Landing." he turns to Aemond, "I would appreciate it if you return as well, as soon as you are done helping here."
Aemond nods, "Send word if anything changes."

Lyanna gives both Aegon and Helaena a hug.
"Thank you both for being here. I will see you again. Soon." Lyanna says. They walk to their dragons and fly off.
Aemond takes her hand, "I am surprised you took my side in front of your men, all loyal to Rhaenyra."
"Last night, I had a lot of time to think." she starts, "With all that has happened recently, I am the one my men should be loyal to. Not a king or a queen who sits on a throne in the South. I have always felt that way, and I lost my way while I was in King's Landing. The North should be ruled on its own. We are entirely different people than those South of us. And I believe my men realise that. I will rule them with fear if I must, although I am sure they love and respect me as much as they did my brother and father."

He smiles, "Now I see that strong-willed girl I met ten years ago. I will follow you wherever you go."
She smiles, "I hope you are ready." she mounts her horse, "And don't worry about the wargs. They are not nearly strong enough to take over Vhagar's mind."
He walks with her out the gate, the men following behind on their horses.
"And whatever you do," she takes his hand, "Kill them all."

He nods and strides off to Vhagar. He will arrive at the Wall before they do. But at least the Wall will then not be left defenceless.

Lyanna led the men along the road to the Wall, riding as fast as possible. She already has hundreds following her at this moment. Hundreds more are awaiting them.

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