Chapter 32

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She finds Rickard on the road, very glad to see his face.
"Cold feet, Sister?" he asks and laughs.
The sun had already come up a while ago. She did not stop, letting Cregan sleep against her.
"Really? This is the time you decide to show up for the wedding. You would've missed it!"
He stops laughing, "Why are you not at King's Landing?"

She looks at Cregan, "They crowned Aegon king. I had to escape with Cregan. We need to get back to Winterfell."

Rickard turns red in the face, "The bastards! This is treason."
Lyanna looks away, "I know."
Rickard and his whole party turn around, everyone busy returning to the North.

They spend their first night at Carise's inn. Lyanna feels like she should expect Aemond to walk through the doors anytime.
Rickard and his men sit close to the fire, eating and drinking, discussing what will happen now that Aegon is king.

Lyanna took a seat further away from them, where she could look out a window and try to get her thoughts in order. When they arrived, she was so sick she threw up outside, feeling like she wanted to faint. All the stress and guilt is eating her up from the inside.

Carise places a hand on her shoulder, "How are you doing, my Dear?" she asks.
Lyanna shakes her head, "I don't know myself anymore, Carise."
Carise sits opposite her, "You miss him. I can see it in your eyes." she smiles, "Love can be many things. It can bring us happiness and sadness, and it can change us for better or worse."
She wipes at the tears, "All I want to do is turn around and go back to King's Landing. I won't even care if they throw me in a prison cell for escaping. I want to see him again."

"And why are you not doing it then?"
Lyanna looks at her hands, "Because I have a stronger responsibility to my duty than to a man I have not yet married."
Carise stands up, "I hope you make the right choice."

Lyanna sits for a while on her own before she stands up and joins Rickard.
"We will have to call all our bannermen together. I expect a visit from Princess Rhaenyra soon."
The doors of the inn burst open, and Gold Cloaks storm in.

"Lady Lyanna, you are hereby requested to come back with us to King's Landing." the one at the front says.
Rickard stands up, "She does not have to go back to your city and continue to serve the usurper."
Lyanna places a hand on Rickard's arm, "Let me just go with them. I do not want any bloodshed."
"I will not let them take you."

"Who sent you?" Rickard asks.
The one at the front answers, "Prince Aemond." he pulls out his sword.
"Why is he not here then? Is he too afraid to come and get her himself?"

Lyanna feels a sudden surge in her mind, feeling a strong mind she has communicated with before.
They hear the roar before the ground shakes.
The Gold Cloaks step out of the way as Aemond enter the inn. His gaze was on Lyanna, a fire in his eye.

Lyanna pulls out her sword as he closes the distance between them.
"Don't come any closer," she warns.
He sneered at her, "Was it easier for you to run than to stand by my side? You got the men you requested, but you are not honouring your end of the deal."

She press the point of her sword against his chest, "You allowed them to lock me and my brother up in our room. And where were you?! Busy forcing others to kneel in front of your brother."
"I will take you back to King's Landing with me."
She shakes her head, "I am going home, Aemond."
He looks at her, and Lyanna can feel his anger is stronger than any other emotion.

"Kill them all," he orders and turns around, leaving the inn.
Lyanna yells, "I knew you never cared about me! It was all just a political game to you!"
He stops, looking over his shoulder, "Ensure you do not harm her."

Then the fighting starts. Lyanna gave it her all, cutting down faces she knew, killing them in cold blood. Hatred begins to boil inside her. She fights her way to the door, trying to catch Aemond before he flies away.

The Wolf Queen - Part 1 (Aemond Targaryen)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora