Chapter 16

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The Queen welcomed them to King's Landing when they arrived a week later. She was surprised to see Cregan with them but welcomed him with open arms. Cregan couldn't wait to tell someone what he saw on the way to the Capitol, and he decided Queen Alicent was the perfect person to tell it to.

She took his hand, and they walked off, with the Queen listening to every word he said.
Lyanna was given a beautiful and spacious room with a stunning ocean view. An extra bed has been added to the room for Cregan. She will not allow her little brother to sleep anywhere but close to her.

There is a faint knock on the door.
"Come in," she calls and turns to see the Queen enter with her brother behind her. Lyanna smiles at them.
She curtsies, "I hope he didn't give you too much of a hard time, Your Grace. My brother has quite the mouth on him."
"O heavens no! I enjoyed his company very much," the Queen sits at the settee at the window, "I am glad you did not change your mind on the marriage proposal."
Lyanna sits beside her, "Why would I change my mind? I am a woman of my word."
The Queen takes her hand, "Good. Having you and your brother with us will be a nice change to the household."

Cregan runs to his bed and jumps face-first onto it. Lyanna sighs; it will be a change with him around. She will have to teach him some basic court behaviour.
"I came here to inform you that we will receive guests tomorrow. Princess Rhaenyra and her family are coming over to sort out some issues. Nothing big. I would appreciate it if you could be present during the whole ordeal. It will show them that we are a united house."

Lyanna frowns, knowing the Queen always have an agenda with everything she does. Aemond told her as much.
"Of course," she answers.
The Queen says, "Then I will see you at dinner tonight."

Lyanna turns towards the beautiful view. She admired the ocean, watching the boats bopping up and down on the water. This is so much different to what she is used to. There are no endless green pastures, snow on the horizon, and forests so dark it always looks like night.

She stands up, "Come, Cregan. Let's go take a walk in the garden."
Cregan jumps up and grabs her hand. Some fresh air will do her good.

While walking, she recognizes some faces from her previous time in the garden. When she and Aemond discussed their proposal, word had not yet gotten out that they were betrothed now, and she couldn't imagine how the ladies of the court would look at her then.

"I like how many flowers they have here," Cregan says, running his hand over them.
She smiles, "I will teach you all the different kinds of flora they have here when you have your lessons."
"Will you also teach me how to fight with a sword like you?"
Lyanna keeps on walking, smiling and nodding at everyone passing them. She then turns to him and crouches down.
"I will try my best, Wolf Pup. A woman fighting with a sword or training with the men is frowned upon here," she answers him.
Cregan looks at his feet, "I hope you can. No one can fight as good as you."

"I won't say that," 

They both look up and see Aemond standing close to them, his hands behind his back.
Lyanna's heart skipped a beat at the sight of him, seeing him dressed in his Targaryen clothing instead of the Stark clothes.
"Prince Aemond," Cregan greets him.
Lyanna stands up, "Maybe Prince Aemond can teach you. He is almost as good as me." she tells Cregan and glances at Aemond, who looks at her with a smirk.

Aemond bends to Cregan's height, "I will show you just how wrong your sister is."
Cregan laughs, "Maybe you should fight each other so we can see who is the best."
Aemond shakes his head, "It is bad manners to fight with a girl."
Lyanna steps into his personal space, "No, you're right. Fighting girls are bad manners," her nose almost touches his, "But maybe a woman can show you how it's done."

They stare at each other. Lyanna wishes Cregan was not here at this moment. What she would do right now is not something a child his age should see. She can see in his eye that he wishes the same thing.

"When can we start with the training?" Cregan asks, interrupting their moment. Lyanna steps back, her eyes still on Aemond.
Aemond also doesn't dare look away, "We can start tomorrow," his mouth twitches slightly, "Be at the training yard every morning just after sunrise."

Cregan jumps up and down, "I will be there." he runs to the nearest tree and tries to climb it.
"Cregan!" Lyanna yells, "You can't do that here!"
But Cregan ignores her. How can you tell a child who was allowed to climb trees all his life not to do it here in the South?
"Let him enjoy himself." Aemond says, stepping closer again, "We all did things we were not supposed to as children."
Lyanna tilts her head, "Like what?"

Aemond looks at the tree and back at her, "Like kissing under a certain weirwood tree."
She bites her lip, "I think I saw one on the other side of the garden," her hand rests on his chest.
Aemond places his hand on hers. She can feel his racing heartbeat under her hand, his chest falling up and down quicker with each second.
"Are you at a loss for words?" she asks him.

His mouth goes to her ear, his breath tickling her, sending goosebumps down her spine.
"There are better places than the weirwood tree."
She felt the heat rise to her neck and into her face.
He leans back, smiling, placing a soft kiss on her forehead.
"I will see you tonight at dinner."

She watches him leave. The ache in her body reaching out towards him, knowing she can't touch him, not yet. She will have her moment.
A loud thud brings her back from her thoughts, and she looks to where Cregan is climbing, finding him flat on his back in the dirt.

"I told you not to climb the trees here." she scolds.
He gets up with a groan, "It was worth it."
He runs to her and takes her hand. Continuing with their walk through the garden as if nothing just happened.

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