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A few months have gone by since the happenings at Harrenhal. Rhaenyra became the Queen of the six kingdoms, being cheered on by many of her followers. Jace got named as her heir when she dies. Daemon walks as a free man around in the South, doing what he wants. Even though Lyanna would like to make him pay for everything he did.

Alicent, Aegon, Helaena, their children, and Aemond came to Winterfell. They all adapted very well, Alicent finding the cold not as pleasing as the heat from the South, but she got used to it.

Aegon and Aemond fly to the Wall almost every day to ensure it is still save from another Wildling attack. They also visit all the bannermen as frequently as they can, continuing Lyanna's work while she is unable to do it.

Both brothers are keeping a close eye on the happenings in the South, afraid Rhaenyra will go back on her word and decide to invade the North.
But Lyanna know she won't, unless she want her own dragon to eat her alive.

Lyanna does try to keep a civil relationship between her and Rhaenyra, sending frequent letters to her, discussing the happenings in the North. It will ease her mind to know that they are not planning on invading the South.

She also communicate with Jace, hoping their friendship did not get hurt after everything that has happened. It will be wise to stay friends with him, especially if he is to be the next King.

Cregan was so happy when he saw Alicent and Helaena the day they arrived back from Harrenhal. All he wants to do is spend time with them, and Alicent loves it, helping him with his reading and writing.

Aemond and Aegon left early this morning for their visit to the Wall. They hardly left when Lyanna started feeling uncomfortable. At firts it was only slight cramps on her stomach and her back. Nothing too worrying.

But then the cramps got worse until she was unable to walk. Alicent helped Lyanna to her bedroom. It took them very long to get from the Godswood to her chambers, eventually Helaena joined them and together they got her to lie down on her bed.

"Get the Maester." Alicent tell one of the servants.
She takes Lyanna's hand, "I think the baby might be coming, Lyanna. Take deep breaths."
Lyanna do as Alicent tell her, taking deep breaths until the Maester comes in. Two servants help her to get out of her dress so she only has her white underdress on.

The maester inspect her, giving her a smile.
"You are indeed in labour, My Lady. But it is not yet time, we must get you up and moving, to help speed up the process."
Lyanna groan as two servants help her up. Alicent step closer, shooing the servants away and helping Lyanna to pace her room.

"Now Aemond isn't even here." she say and almost cry out when a cramp shoot over her abdomen.
"He will eventually come back from the Wall. You know they never take too long with their visit." Alicent try to calm her.
Alicent turn to Helaena, "Go to Cregan, tell him about what is happening and keep him busy in his room."

"I don't know if I will be able to walk for much longer." Lyanna say, taking a deep breath.
"Just a little bit more, then you can lie down."
They pace the room until Lyanna's legs struggle to keep her up. She gets helped to bed, getting ready for the pain that is to come.

"If I don't make it." Lyanna say and grab Alicent's hand, "Please make sure Aemond, Cregan and the babies will be taken care of."
"You are not going to die."
A big contraction send a shudder through her body.
"She's coming!" Lyanna yell and grab the covers of the bed.
The Maester grab her knees, pushing them apart, "When I say push, then you push."

Lyanna nod and do as he asks. Her screams can be heard throughout the castle, running through the hallways, escaping the doors. Her wolves all howl in anticipation. Waiting for the arrival of a new member to the family.

The Wolf Queen - Part 1 (Aemond Targaryen)Where stories live. Discover now